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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Yeah you're right, the writing, directing and production are all great, it's the two good actors who ruin it. They like everyone else were shit because they were given such shit to work with.
  2. A couple of good gold chances for Britain today. Hopefully at least one can be won, so the story of the hosts not having won a gold doesn't continue and grow and put more pressure on the athletes to come.
  3. Ok I went back one page and saw this. Die Hard 4 is great. Certainly not the weakest of the series which is obviously 2.
  4. I just saw it tonight. Can't be arsed reading the whole thread but I thought it was great. Very happy with it especially as I found TDK to be disappointing (apart from The Joker). This was great though, a bit cheesy at times but never went too far and maybe got the balance right to make it the best of the 3.
  5. Nas - Illamtic Outkast - Aquemini Madvillian - Madvilliany A Tribe Called Quest - Low End Theory
  6. Japan can fuck off!!!!!
  7. Remember that rule about not living in 2004? Sort your life out W!
  8. I'm betting he typed, "I'm a youtube spazz called fox, gimme what i want."
  9. Dressage. What the fuck is the point of it? It's the worst thing about every Olympics. Just being reminded of it's existence as a sport annoys me. On a good note the bbc's level of coverage of the games is amazing.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB4Lz0Wb0MI
  11. He was going to be first on the list but he didn't want that glory, he just cares about being a team player so he stepped aside and let bean take it.
  12. It was all bloody brilliant. Mr Bean, The Queen with James Bond, Becks, trampoline beds, great music, all the old British telly that most likely completely confused most the world, all of it. Great.
  13. Tonight: Drinks at a friends then out to a club with Ellen Allien DJing Tomorrow: No plans but beach is a strong possibility. Sunday: Out for dinner and drinks with a few friends who have been working up in the mountains for a month and will have just got back.
  14. I'm going to hate not living in Manchester for the last 3 months of the year http://www.thewarehouseproject.com/calendar.php
  15. Denilson was at least cool in the Brazil playing footie in the airport ad. Lucas has a long way to go.
  16. You want to know what Joey Barton thinks, don't you? About what, you ask? About bloody everything! http://www.joeybarton.com/joey-on/ How come I didn't know about this before?
  17. I agree he's a total twat and, although I like the current Newcastle side, I couldn't have given a fuck about them during Owen's spell there.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbMGtST1IHw
  19. I swear soda jerk liked that before I'd even finished posting it. And rightly so.
  20. Didn't pick Becks. Deserves nothing.
  21. Cazorla would be a great signing for Arsenal. The last two years he's been one of the most outstanding players in la liga outside of the big two.
  22. You say that but right now all I want is some Irn Bru but it would be a 1hour round trip to get some. A situation so dire Bob Geldolf should be writing a song for me.
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