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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. can someone give me back all the money i spent last night please?
  2. The next generation was infinitely better when Riker had a beard.
  3. Went to the beach after work today. About to head out for some food and drinks with some friends. Possibly a club later on. Tomorrow, no idea. Sunday, heading to a mini festival type thing. There's a few dj's playing during the afternoon/ evening in a park. Beers in the sun, good music and a wee dancing to round off the weekend nicely.
  4. Just bought a ticket for Primavera Sound 2013!
  5. that last line of my post was supposed to say likable female characters
  6. Skylar has been annoying and a bitch at times. I guess the main reason why people would hate her is that back in season one when the viewer was most likely behind Walt, still seeing him as someone who just took a desperate path to help his family, Skylar was always an obstacle. I anyway, just wanted her out the way so Walt could get on with sorting out the mess he'd created. As time goes on Walt loses more and more of any likable personality but you still kind of hope there's something there, whereas with Skylar who has got less annoying and and difficult it's hard to shake the opinions formed in beginning. I don't think it's too different with the other cases mentioned in The Sopranos or Mad Men. Both have lead male characters who are given a lot of depth right from the start and you want them to sort out their problems and find some kind of happiness. Their wives until later on are just shallow irritating characters who give you no reason to like them. No matter what happens later it's always difficult to shake your original views. Mad Men at least does have plenty of other likable characters.
  7. Originally Posted by HARTHILL_GER View Post Absolutely disgusting Originally Posted by blair_omnibus View Post You say that like you're surprised. Scum v Scum. Originally Posted by EK Billy Boy View Post Scumbags. So much for slur awex being a bear. Originally Posted by Sam_English View Post A benefit match for a total thug ? Originally Posted by d505 View Post You can be sure The Sheep will be out in their hordes And nothing to do with "sporting Integrity" it will be to put two fingers up at us and unfortunately Durranty. Originally Posted by Ianbrfc View Post This makes me sick. Simpson is the scum of the earth and anyone that goes along to this game is no better. Originally Posted by berkshiretrueblue View Post Pretty much sums up both clubs for me; the filth of the North East versus the Filth of manchester. Originally Posted by devondave1873 View Post It will be a sell out, unlike the testimonial they had for long serving club captain Stewart McKimmie v then EPL champions Blackburn Rovers which I reckon was about 6,000. Originally Posted by godrup99 View Post Thats nice for them One last hurrah before the reality of no Rangers kicks in and adminstration chaps at the door. They profess to love scotland so much but will turn out in their thousands top honour the man who wasted one of scotlands brightest ever talents. Fcking idiots. Originally Posted by 9inaROW89/97 View Post Subhuman scum, times like this a nuclear device would be handy Originally Posted by broomhouse_loyal View Post No one would even know who this no-mark was if it wasn't for that assault on Durranty!! Originally Posted by AppleBear1976 View Post i just wish Abergreen would hurry up and die.,.... scumbags is to good a word for them Originally Posted by womble 3 View Post Scumbags Originally Posted by PRW View Post be a shame if it was disturbed. Originally Posted by tauntonbear View Post Hopefully there will be career threatening injuries all over the pitch. Originally Posted by Mark Hateley View Post Is the benefit for poor Neil to do with him having a terminal illness per chance? Originally Posted by markyrfc View Post Benefit? Jesus wept. Scum Originally Posted by devondave1873 View Post You just know which song will be sung loudest, even when he's nowhere near it
  8. Krakow. Yeah I'll get involved, not going to be a dick about it. The other interesting factor is that my dad is going too! I wonder what his t-shirt will say.
  9. Pet Hate: Stupid twatty lad banter stag trips. And I've just found out I'm going on one! I was already booked on the trip, it's for the guy my sister is marrying but not having met his mates I didn't know what would be involved. Now I've just got a group email asking for what size in pol shirt i need and also telling me to buy a Hawaiian shirt and a fancy dress kilt. Fuck Sake.
  10. His new EP is brilliant. Sadly I can't go to this, if only it had been a few days earlier I would be in Aberdeen.
  11. Breaking Bad I really hope that opening scene is from earlier than the season finale, perhaps the end this first block of 8 episodes. Anyway I want to see some episodes with him on the run and in hiding, with Hank having found out who he is. And Jesse's screaming Yeah bitches etc about the magnets was great. Reminded me of season 1 Jesse.
  12. It's been great business by Liverpool. After signing him for -15m, anything they can get for him now is just a bonus.
  13. I like that idea in theory, but there's no way I'd wait.
  14. I'd completely forgotten about that. Something to look forward to tomorrow.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Jk_BqMULp0 !
  16. Back from the beach. Rather pink.
  17. Well I don't like seafood. I know, I know I've been told many times this makes me a terrible human being. Of course there are other varieties of paella available but any good place only serves paella for two and my friends always want a fishy option.
  18. There aren't many things in my mind a fried egg on top wouldn't improve. I've had the egg on pizza before too.
  19. It was only here I came across the burger with a fried egg on it as a normal thing. Most places have it as an option. And so I'm designating the big fatty burger as an honorary Spanish meal. Admission: I've never eaten paella Bloody love a tattie omelette though.
  20. I won't be doing any cooking. I have a favourite burger joint I'll go to. Or there is another one loads of people rave about I may try, although I'll probably be hungover and wanting to stick to what I know.
  21. So you'll soon be getting paid MORE to post your thoughts on here? The world's gone mad!
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