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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Two hot college girls? You're in aberdeen, your college girls will be a couple of numpties who couldn't get any highers who study IT two mornings a week at the gallowgate. Best stick to the porn you've obviously just been looking at.
  2. Lets list people who are total cunts. 1. Neil Doncaster
  3. I haven't listened to the new one that much but Sleigh Bells were absolutely fantastic live last month. I listened to the latest Hot Chip offering for the first time today, sounded good.
  4. You're not wrong, I had a great time in Munich and those beer gardens when I visited a few years ago. I'd love to go back. And take Jake with me.
  5. Of course. The alcohol being poured over the JakeBassist is what draws me back.
  6. I might start watching wrestling again.
  7. Cambridge fans: Liverpool fans of non-league football.
  8. They do have a couple of decent tunes but nothing that makes up for the awfulness that is Sweetness. SING IT BACK. FUCK FUCK FUCK OFF!
  9. Uefa would make sure it was a a sunny afternoon on whatever the sunniest day of the week is.
  10. What would the score be if Spain played with the intensity and intent they did for the first 15 mins last night for a full 90 against Cambridge Utd? 78-0?
  11. One thing I can (sadly) say for certain is that my life would change a lot more if booze was banned than sex.
  12. Man up and stop moaning. Oh god I take it back, I really feel for you. Anyway I'm just home from a couple of drinks. They were great. And I kicked a school kid in the bollocks on the way home for good measure.
  13. I emigrated years ago in foresight of the horror Jake was yet to bring to the UK.
  14. Ooh err, I accessed 2009 stats by mistake. First in South America then.
  15. There should be no schools near pubs. Little people are harder to spot and avoid when stumbling around drunk at lunchtime. They're a bloody menace!
  16. Jake I think you should go and protest at this dispicable pub.
  17. GIRUY!!! And I have no idea either.
  18. I was really happy for Alba scoring his goal, he's been great all tournament. Great signing for Barca at a decent price. After his goal last night a student of mine told me this morning that "Alves is nothing" although I think a few sides will be frightened at the prospect of the two of them bombing down the flanks. If Spain did go on to win a fourth major tournament, back to back world cups and be the first european side to win it outside of europe, it would be an unbelievable achievement. I imagine Brazil will be favourites along side them due to home advantage but the pressure could be too much. Scott Murray said on football daily that it will be 1950 all over again and he could well be right. Worst case for them would obv. be Messi and co winning it and with a non insane coach they just might. Plus we'll have all the talk about whether the young German side will come of age and win something but that's been going on since 06. Anyway it's not the time for world cup chat, there's loads of Stoke and West Ham games to come before then.
  19. Should have watched the football. It was good.
  20. Oooft, what a performance to pull out in the final. Italy played well but were defeated by the better team who played like I wish they would more often.
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