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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. You're going down. All the way down to second place!
  2. If I can't be wildly optimistic before the game, when can I be? Italy opening the scoring is key to it being a great match I think.
  3. Prediction: Balotelli to score first and Spain to win 3-2 Going for 1-0 would be boring, wouldn't it?
  4. I'd like to see a change from Spain with either Pedro or Navas starting. Spain played their most exciting football of the tournament in the extra time against Portugal once they were both on. Although Portugal's tiredness may have had something to do with it. The only thing I'm sure of is that Iniesta will be great.
  5. If that is the case then that sentence should start "when" and not "if".
  6. FINAL!!! Looking forward to the game tonight. I'd like something of the quality of the first match between the two teams but with a couple more goals. I want Spain to win but I wont be unhappy if Italy do it. Always liked them and they've been the most impressive side of the knockout stage.
  7. Whether you like it you can still walk around showing off that you like better music than people who don't like A Tribe Called Quest.
  8. What's the t-shirt like? I'd quite like to get this one
  9. I bet he's still making himself available for selection for the synchronised swimming team, even if the fucking coach wont pick him. Never quit.
  10. It's a disgrace. Becks should be playing and be the captain and be the coach. He's the only reason anyone would give a toss about the team!
  11. A good friend of mine has just recorded and released his first EP so thought I'd give it a little plug on here. Brian Mauleon – Unknown Roads EP
  12. If my life is a chick flick I hope it's a good one like Mean Girls or 10 things I hate about you and not a shit one like that one with Britney Spears in it.
  13. I have no idea what you're referencing.
  14. The song is great but it is no where near the level of Ke$ha's best work.
  15. That would be a bit extreme. I imagine it's quite readily available in shops and places.
  16. This has got me thinking. Why did I ever flick onto Kerrang TV. There must have been something better I could have been doing with my time rather than seeing whether they were playing Evanescence or Sum 41 at that particular moment. Why wasn't I outside playing football? Or inside playing football video games? Or wanking to very slowly loading 56k dial-up porn?
  17. That song can fuck all the way off, right out of my life.
  18. Everyday I think about how grateful I am that I'm no longer in a phase of my life where whenever I watch TV there's a good chance of seeing some Staind and Fred Durst live action.
  19. Partied on the beach last night, had a wee swim, there were loads of fireworks, saw a great sunrise. It was ace.
  20. I was in an awful way yesterday morning. A real guilt infested, depressed hangover. I was being a real dick, completely grumpy and feeling sorry for myself. Thankfully I snapped myself out of it in time to drink more last night.
  21. I thought it after reading Jake's post.
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