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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. They have the internet there you know. I will fight against your cheese opinions wherever I fuck off to!
  2. It doesn't! Thin slices are the best.
  3. No wonder nobody understands me.
  4. Back on topic, I really really like The Sour Drink From The Ocean. More so each time I listen to it. It came up as a related video on youtube today and I gave it a couple of listens. I definitely think it's the best Lockah thing I've heard.
  5. If CTU was a back garden it would have all been dug up years ago.
  6. seasons 1, 3 and 5 were the good ones.
  7. It's the one where a nuke goes off in la and only a couple of hours later there are apparently no effects. and it's also the season where they recycle every story line they've ever used before and then you have Jack's twat of a nephew
  8. In my version of Polish I'm pretty sure it would be this. DON'TO THROWO OTHERO PEOPLESO MAILO INO THEO BINO
  9. 24 was so good and then it became so so so bad. I couldn't continue after the shit fest that is season 6.
  10. I thought it was the nipple chat that made him reach such a conclusion.
  11. oh my, the german lassie could bring me a pint of beer any day
  12. After the previous episodes the Man Men finale was a bit more low key but still excellent. Now it's done I think I might call the 5th season as the best yet and Mad Men has definitely strengthened it's position as my no.2 show after The Wire.
  13. There shouldn't be any strips. Players should just wear their flags draped over them like a toga.
  14. I would play 4-3-3. busquets, xavi and iniesta in the middle barca style and llorente, silva and pedro/navas up front. if it's a 4-2-3-1, busquets and xavi should be the two. or alonso and xavi.
  15. You can correctly use both but depending who you're with / where you are one will make you sound stupid.
  16. The only football I have a chance of seeing today is the second half of Ukraine - Sweden zonal marking obviously loved the spain italy game, with all the formation talk. http://www.zonalmarking.net/2012/06/10/spain-1-1-italy-spain-start-with-no-striker-italy-use-a-3-5-2/
  17. It was an interesting decision and they actually played higher up the pitch and with more intensity than they sometimes did at the world cup. However I do agree that there should be a number 9 to focus movement around, especially as there was no Villa or Pedro type either, running into the centre from out wide. I've said it before but to me there's no reason to have both Alonso and Busquests on the pitch. Good game though and both sides showed enough to suggest they should go through. Spain really shouldn't be troubled by Ireland and could thrash them if they get an early goal. Croatia will be tougher for Italy but I'd still fancy them if they play that well again.
  18. He came to visit me and wouldn't even wear the t-shirt I'd had made for him. Twat.
  19. Good work and I liked the interview. Plus points for picking Glass Swords.
  20. Goal and a red card in the first game for my team. win some you lose some.
  21. Every time I do a fantasy team I look at other people's selections and become convinced they had more money to spend than I did. I'm determined to keep up with this one throughout the tournament though, after my pathetic campaign in the last fantasy season. Only 3 weeks long, I should be able to do it
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