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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I've fought my hangover off and I'm away to dance on the beach!
  2. Pavement are awesome. That is all that matters.
  3. New album is very good. I'll see them at Primavera next weekend
  4. How'd you burn your cock and balls? I did it myself.
  5. I'm supposed to be going to a beach party tonight. I might have to tell that to fuck off. All I want is to go to sleep and wake up and it be saturday again so I can do it differently. I drink rum and coke way to fast too. In a bar I'll be alright since I'll be thinking of how much money I'm spending but in a flat I just keep going back for more. And more.
  6. is what killed me last night. After a few hours of cava drinking and then some hours of beer drinking I was in good shape. Ended up at a flat party with loads of people I'd never met before (one from Banchory!). Some fit girls there who I assume all wanted to sex me up because my chat was so great. They were all denied the opportunity after the rum seemed to almost instantaneously turn me into a bliberring wreck. I had to be assisted home. I could barely walk, I must have looked like I was dancing to dubsteb. Having Irn Bru in the fridge when I woke up is the only thing that saved me from dying. Loads of people left my flat earlier to head out to the beach. I've stayed in to wallow in lonely misery.
  7. That's pretty much the same place. Cold with funny writing.
  8. So the Killer Mike album is fucking brilliant.
  9. Drank two cans of Irn Bru, listening to Girls Aloud. This hangover is being fought off in style.
  10. I'll kick you in chuff in a minute if you're not careful
  11. Some Florrie news here http://florrie.com/ She's decided to ditch the independent thing and sign with a major label, probably going to be a year before we see any album She says she has 2 songs which are better than anything else she's done and will take over the world.
  12. keep calm and fuck off more like!
  13. I don't deserve any sympathy. My afternoon start to work is good. However it's not quite as good as my flatmate's day who is packing food and beers to take down to the beach. The 3-day weekend bitch!
  14. My earlier claims in the weekend thread that I'm feeling okay today may have been a little off the mark. The fact that I need to leave for work shortly and I've not showered or had lunch yet suggests I may be a little affected by last night's drinks.
  15. The brother of a friend of mine just posted a picture on facebook of his two new Man City tops I swear he used to be a united fan.
  16. Not a thing against them in particular but a lot of places will only hire people who have done the Cambridge or trinity college qualifications. That's not true of everywhere but I definitely wouldn't have got my job if I'd done one of the i-toi courses. Basically there's a reason they are so much cheaper.
  17. it depends on what you want to do with it but I wouldn't do a course with i-to-i.
  18. The CELTA which is probably the best tefl qualification to go for can be done at these places in Scotland. http://cambridgeesol-centres.org/centres/teaching/search.do;jsessionid=CD74DDCD4D6AA34A40C830CCC1C0DBE1.node02?source=teacheraward&country=GB-SCT&qualification=ALL&Input=Search The Trinity College TESOL course is thought of as about the same standard too.
  19. Only here actually. Before I got the qualification I'd done some voluntary teaching in Ghana and Nepal which is what made me want to do it more long term. At first I did think I would move around more and work in different places but I I ended up really liking it here and getting very settled. Don't think I'll be moving my life anywhere else any time soon. However it is nice to know that getting work wouldn't be much of a problem if I moved to almost anywhere in the world.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6G1cLYoivQ
  21. TEFL yeah. I'm definitely not qualified to teach secondary school kids about shakespeare or anything. I didn't speak any Spanish or Catalan when I started my current job. Speaking it definitely helps, especially in young kids classes but there's such a demand for English teachers and especially native speaker teachers that it's not necessary to get a job.
  22. English teacher. I only work a couple of hours in the afternoon on Fridays so I can get away with starting the weekend on Thursday
  23. a hundred? she was happy with just one, mate. Went out a bit last night and got much more pished than I planned to. Feel ok today though which is nice. Tonight I'll have a couple of beers while watching the copa del rey final. Tomorrow I'll probably go to the beach but got no specific plans. Sunday I'll be back at the beach for a party dancing to some good dj's playing for free, before I head off home early grumbling at all my friends who have publiv holiday on monday I don't get
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