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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I don't think it's streaming yet, it just leaked into the interworld a couple of days ago. Official release date is pretty soon though so it wont be long until it's streaming.
  2. http://rapradar.com/2012/05/17/new-music-curreny-x-2-chainz-capitol/
  3. Di Matteo used Kalou a lot once he took over. A sign maybe that he wont be given the job. This is what really should have happened last year though if AVB's plan was to be successful.
  4. I'm a bit shit with needles too but the one with giving blood didn't bother me much. Sadly I've only given blood once, first time I'd do it as a regular thing but then a couple of trips to malaria zones ruled me out for a long time. I should be able to do it again now though, so I guess I should.
  5. I dunno what you're talking about!!! in a completely unrelated topic I see you can edit posts for a much longer period than you used to. Good stuff.
  6. The only music I listen to is post-genre.
  7. the future of the porn industry
  8. He always does a job for England. Get him on that plane!
  9. That was the point of my post. I have Oh, Inverted world and Chutes too narrow. I like Chutes too narrow the most of the two. I'm not exactly sure why I never bothered with Wincing the night away.
  10. This album has exceeded my hopes for it. It's brilliant.
  11. New album leaked and it's absolutely wonderful
  12. My life was never the same after I hear New Slang for the first time.
  13. NME have hated on them loads but still talk about them lots because they've got a big fan base and will increase sales / site hits. If you want real idol worship, read the pitchfork review of Kid A. It's bloody hilarious. http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/6656-kid-a/ I can't believe that writer is not embarrassed by that now....... .....although he got the score right
  14. good song for drunken singing and dancing at parties that is.
  15. Fox you bloody idiot, stop getting music wrong!
  16. I was reminded of this thread by this. Particularly the no.1 which can just get fucked, http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/5hgNnI/:RKpqgU$+:PbZNDo+1/sky-today.com/12-most-dangerous-tourist-attractions-in-the-world/
  17. Only if you treat her right.
  18. I can't watch that. Had to stop after a couple of mins. The conversation is far too angular for me. I think I like the word now.
  19. She must be influenced by this wonderful man.
  20. A liverpool fan sent a message (or tweet as media savvy people might say) to Barrack Obama asking him to re-tweet (not entirely sure either) his message to show support for Rafa Benitez returning as Liverpool coach. I think that's right anyway.
  21. I'm not sure if this post is supposed to be a joke or not.... And what does angular mean in regards to music? I know music journos liked to use the term to describe those guitar bands popular circa 2005 but really I have no idea. So now it's going to be a pet hate of mine. And just to annoy Nef, Radiohead are my favourite group and Kid A is my favourite album EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. And what is flying wok? something like this http://www.woktowalk.com/ I love these places.
  22. oh and I'll just leave this here
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