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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. An opportunity to experiment with a shit idea that hopefully never returns to anyone's thoughts. Villa park is one of the traditional grounds used by the FA. Nicely between Manchester and London as well. It's not strange decision at all really.
  2. there's something about garlic I don't get. I think I like garlic, quite a lot at times. I use it frequently in cooking. Yet often it seems that the rest of the world wants all their food to taste only of garlic and a hundred cloves should be thrown in every meal.
  3. I think I only really really like agaetis byrjun and even then it loses a point for how silly I feel every time I try to say it out loud.
  4. Stop all this arse talk, this thread is about the music!! So I'll post this song once again in celebration of the new ep coming out.
  5. Unkown, like most information about her. The DIY store tidbit was probably a false rumour started by her to throw us off the scent. In other pop news Florrie has a new EP out in 9 days. After all this time I was hoping for an album and not just 4 more songs. If they're up to the standard of the last EP I wont complain though. Well the standard of all the tracks after the first one.
  6. We should have a multitude of buttons. I for one would like a "I see where you're coming from but I can not publicly be seen to agree with you" button.
  7. It had a last episode kind of feel but it would make a pretty shit ending imo.
  8. It's got 307 views already, she's gone mainstream! 7 dislikes, cunts, bet it was you lot wasn't it?
  9. That slip led to my boycott perhaps being the worst ever in history.
  10. The final episode was a bit meh I thought but the other two were great. It could be totally fucked next season with Sony ditching Harmon.
  11. She is, quite simply, the greatest woman.
  12. to....to....to who??? Don't keep us in suspense!
  13. I'm boycotting this thread until after the euros! maybe.
  14. Thieving cunts. My mate had her phone grabbed right out of her hand this evening. To make it worse she fell and hurt herself when madly trying to catch the dick.
  15. So De Boer has knocked Liverpool back as well! Hopefully this continues until they end up with Sammy Lee.
  16. I'd make Germany favourites too. Spain seem to have struggled for motivation a bit since winning the world cup whereas the young German players are really eager to prove themselves and that might make the difference.
  17. Spurs only have themselves to blame. No way they should have fallen out of the top 3.
  18. Too crazy for Jake? I don't believe it.
  19. I thought Jake didn't drink? What did you spend a hundred quid on?
  20. Maybe they changed the rules to make more sense.
  21. Might not be good but it can be fun. Especially if you throw in irresponsible credit card use
  22. Dunno what the rule is but of course he should get a medal. The competition isn't just one game. Do you think Ramires shouldn't have a medal even though the team wouldn't have been there without his goal v barca?
  23. I saw Actress live last night. Incredibly good. Very ace-ic.
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