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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. But because I'm nice here's a soundcloud link soundcloud.com/cossetgaleria/icona-pop-i-love-it-2012
  2. Get Nadia on it! You shouldn't be waiting for notifications, you should be coming to look at the thread everyday.
  3. I was at the game which marked the opening of the stand. A 2-2 friendly against second division Inverness Caley.
  4. I really like the production on both tracks, especially the Justin Beiber one. But more importantly I haven't heard Flights (or anyone's) thoughts on the Icona Pop track. Sort your life out flights!
  5. Deveronvale are my highland league team! My Dad's family lived up in banff for a while. One of my uncle's still does and goes to all the games and gets involved with the club, helped raise money for the new stand a few years back etc. My dad and his other brother who are both dons fans go up there for the odd game now and again. Usually when they have a chance of winning the league. Glory hunting bastards.
  6. McDonalds is the better of the two but I do like a Bacon Double Cheeseburger now and again. It's about 9euros or something for a meal here though. Big Mac meal is 6.50.
  7. Not Ryan no. I like the idea of supporting your local team. Mostly as I think you build more of a connection with a team if you actually get along to stadium to see the games in person. Or at least you build that connection quicker. However there are times when this isn't the case and it's still fair enough in my eyes. Obviously your parents have a big influence and they might not support your local team. Or your parents might not care at all and you get influenced by other kids in the playground or as Soda said you just like their strip or there is one star player you really like. You might start following a team for a silly reason but if you continue to follow them over a period of years and stay loyal to that team you're bound to end up feeling emotionally connected to the team and by that point I think it's almost irrelevant how you started out as a fan.
  8. For some reason Burger King is about 3 euros more for a meal here than McDonalds. I don't remember there being much of a difference in Scotland.
  9. very good new TMOE single. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpkpg8kqTXc
  10. This is pretty much my view too. Changing the team you support from one day to the next is a bit weird. However I do have friend who grew up calling himself a Rangers fan but wasn't really into football. At about 18 he decided he wanted to get more into the game and started going to some dons games being the local team. Now he's one of the biggest dons fans I know. The attitude of some people that you have to be born inside your team's stadium already holding your season ticket to count as a real fan, gets a bit tiresome.
  11. It was great. Thankfully with Football Weekly I can at least get my Jimbo fix.
  12. Anyone know what the 100 bus in Edinburgh is like?
  13. Because James Richardson is too busy being my avatar.
  14. Del Piero and Inzaghi played their last games for Juve and Milan yesterday. And both scored goals I'm not sure what to think of a world where Del Piero isn't playing for Juve. Feels wrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieI87DDftgg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iKXNkhYwqU
  15. It was a bloody great day for football, one of the best football days there has been in ages. I thought City always had a decent amount of fans outside Manchester. There were a few at my school anyway. Barton added: "The head was never gone at any stage, once I'd been sent off, one of our players suggested I should try to take one of theirs with me. It never worked but god loves a trier." Utter dick.
  16. Surely just anti united fans rather than city fans. I screamed my head off and jumped around to celebrate the goal and I'm no city fan.
  17. Just incredible. I need to see pictures of Fergie's / Rooney's / Assorted fans' faces asap.
  18. Yeah they've cancelled everything. They should have been at Primavera sound at the end of the month. BOOOOOO.
  19. Think that must have been the beeb. ITV mostly go for ex England coaches. O'Neil and Strachan were both good pundits I thought.
  20. All the blame. Before him I didn't know tevez was a cunt. Once Kia was on the scene I discovered Tevez is a cunt. All the blame to Kia.
  21. i was going to write "they're shit songs" then changed. I swear
  22. I don't give a fuck if they're nice guys. They're songs are shit.
  23. Don't know what to make of this. or this http://jokersintrousers.bandcamp.com/track/justin-bieber
  24. Superbass and her verse on Monster are the only things that stop her from being 100% completely awful.
  25. I think because there was one post that mentioned heron the first page.
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