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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Looks like I'm going to have some rain putting a dampner on my day too. Seems like wherever you go, music festivals are still the same.
  2. 4 day weekend!!!! Monday and Tuesday off for may day After work today I head straight to the airport to fly to Madrid and visit a friend of mine. Tomorrow we're going to this https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/548053_370220649687421_288867554489398_1025728_732988673_n.jpg Sunday - I'll be dead but have to travel back to barcelona in the evening. Monday - Manchester Derby and maybe out for a friend's birthday afterwards Tuesday - I'll probably just sit around laughing like an evil super villain because I still won't be working!
  3. The Marina album has found it's way out into the world and first impressions are that it's very good. This makes up for the news that the Delilah album has been delayed a few months
  4. Apparently he's told the players this morning what his decision is. Looks like we'll know for sure this afternoon.
  5. I hope Guardiola stays. 5 seasons would be longer than he's always suggested he would stay in charge but I think he could win back at least one of the league and champions league next season and it would be nice if he didn't leave after his least successful season. Bielsa at Barca could be something special though.
  6. Dark chocolate is rubbish compared to milk chocolate which is one of the very best things found on this planet.
  7. It is actually ridiculous how often he makes goal line clearances. I've never noticed any other player do it so often as him.
  8. Yeah they have, it's a little strange, I've liked Chelsea for a long time but really for the only reason that I'd always watch English football and my young self needed a team to follow. The same way that when Football Italia was on I liked Juve a lot, actually from further back than chelsea. I didn't really watch much la liga before coming here but I got into it pretty quickly and after a few years of going to games when I can, watching the majority of them out in bars, talking and reading about the team almost every day I feel a stronger attachment to Barca than Chelsea. The fact that when they are on top form they play my idea of perfect football certainly doesn't harm things either.
  9. An equivalent to the league cup does not exist in Spain and no the best team ever was last year's Barca if you are a judging on a single season basis. Football is shit. Shouldn't exist. Awful sport. Fuck off. I'm going to get James Richardson into cross country skiing and then I can completely defect. How it's been contrived that Chelsea (a team I've generally favoured for the last 16 years) can make the Champions League final and yet I only feel depressed ab out it, sickens me really. Think I pulled a muscle celebrating that 3rd barca goal that was then revealed to be offside. At least the decision was correct this time and I there's no 2010 sense of injustice. The only thing that makes it worthwhile is this happening http://www.footballorgin.com/2012/04/gary-nevilles-reaction-when-torres.html The worst part is now I'm going to have to plan proper lessons for the next month and not just chat to my students about football half the time. Thankfully a couple of mates were up for drinks after the game otherwise this post might have been a lot more pathetic and less tipsy rambling.
  10. With the Italian case it seemed like it was all planned in advance and that the final punishments were always what was going to happen. Bit of a farce really but Juve were never going to be sent to C1 were they?
  11. Soda Jerk once posted a mind blown gif that he used to mock my supporting of the Spanish football team. Now would be an appropriate moment for him to bring it back.
  12. That looked like the most awful show ever from the bit I was forced to see.
  13. I'm still not sure who you mean by big boobed spirit lady. Anyway whether you followed it or not... Roger on LSD!!!! It was hilarious, can't beat that.
  14. big boobed who? It wasn't really hard to follow was it? Just three separate story lines set on the same day.
  15. haha I downloaded that same torrent! What didn't you get about it? Excellent episode I thought, the last two have been superb.
  16. Mad Men and Game of Thrones are both so bloody good right now. Awesome TV.
  17. Yaya is the man. Definitely deserves a place.
  18. All started with mad Rafa publicly sidelining Xabi Alonso in his pursuit of Gareth fucking Barry. The absolute twonk.
  19. Winning two cups would have to be seen as success on one hand for Liverpool. However the Dalglish question surely depends on whether he is the man to move the team towards their long term goals, which the league campaign clearly suggests he is not. And if they do end up finishing 9th,10th or worse any cup success would be heavily tarnished.
  20. Ignore the slightly different spelling
  21. Newcastle have made some great good value signings lately, if they do lose some players hopefully they can keep that up and still be a force next year.
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