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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. http://www.metro.co.uk/sport/oddballs/896103-crawley-town-players-burst-into-song-after-manager-steve-evans-leaves-club
  2. Paul Kalbrenner was amazing last night. I fell asleep about 2 hours before the football started so completely missed out on all of that.
  3. I missed the match, sounds like it might be for the best.
  4. about as important as a flower
  5. Nic Cage in Adaptation is absolutely superb one of my favourite acting performances. Just unbelievably good. I also love him in Raising Arizona. Back on the subject of the weekend. I am super hyped up for tonight. Hours of fun and dancing to come
  6. I will check this out. Hopefully it's better than Life's Too Short.
  7. It's that time again I guess with the match tomorrow it might be a big one for a few people here. Big night tonight, I'm going with a big group of friends to see Paul Kalkbrenner which I'm very excited about. It's on quite early but then there's a night on at another club which you get into for free with a kalkbrenner ticket so it's going to end up a very long and messy one. Whatever state I'm in I'll drag myself to the pub for 1ish and join a couple of other local dons fans. We'll probably sit in the corner watching the smaller screen as the Liverpool twats get the big screen to watch them get pumped out the cup. The rest of the weekend will be necessary recovery time.
  8. On the topic of running without paying.... There was once occasion where I was with a friend and we'd been drinking in a group but most all the others had left so we were just having a final beer before calling it an early night. We bought a can each and sat out in a square. A short while later a drunk aussie girl came up to us and was snapping photos after some chat we went to join her and her friend. They were classy enough to actually be sat at a table buying drinks from a bar not just sitting on a step as we had been. They had a bottle of wine so we ordered another to share but before too long one of the girls was so pished that her more sober friend decided they had to leave straight away. So the girls left us 50 euros to make sure their bill was covered. We didn't know what they had had before we got there but we were sure that 50 would be more than enough and were quite smug about probably making a cheeky wee profit out of it. I then went into the bar to use the toilet and as I was returning to the terrace I was able to have a brief conversation with my friend (without breaking stride) to discover that the bill was 64 euros and we didn't fancy paying it so I just kept on walking. My mate got up, mocked a phone call then walked over to me. Then we sprinted round the corner and away. In my head we were running like Bertie Wooster waving the 50 note above our heads shouting weeeeyheeeey. We then proceeded to a 1 euro a beer bar and got more smashed before heading a short distance to a flat party, by taxi of course why not be luxurious. I partly felt guilty the next day but part of me really appreciated my good financial state after a big night.
  9. I looked at flights as soon as we beat motherwell, I seem to remember them being reasonable, hopefully they still are.
  10. Defending their spending with the net figures argument is Liverpool logic at it's most delusional. They still made horrific decisions in the transfer market it doesn't matter at all that the money they were wasting came from getting a good price for Torres. If I went into a casino with a hundred quid and came out with nothing it would make no difference in the long run if I had at one stage been up 5 grand. Except that I'd feel like a big tit for losing it all. Just how Liverpool should feel.
  11. The Queen's having another Jubilee? Didn't she just have one? Greedy hole.
  12. Not seen his free kick yet but CRon's second goal was ridiculous. the cunt. Never expected them to drop points tonight but hopes were raised after falcao's goal.
  13. I will say I wont begrudge them a couple of wins before the end of the season if it means they keep Kenny in charge.
  14. This is what he said. He says that Hilsborough is the worst football disaster of his life but Liverpool should still play on the anniversary. Obviously needs lynched.
  15. You must have been a big hit at birthday parties.
  16. Prepare your eyes Nadia fans. I'm assuming it's from the upcoming video for slapper which now just can't fail to be good.
  17. I wish the game wasn't on so early on Saturday. I have a feeling I wont be in the best of spirits for it.
  18. I've definitely been guilty of that many times. Pedestrians for the win.
  19. Bikes are great. I don't have my own though. 40 quid a year and I pick one of these lot up and zoom off to wherever I need to go.
  20. First day back at work after the holidays
  21. They should be driving on the pavement?
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