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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=292133.msg10150968#msg10150968
  2. I like the first album more but the second one has some top songs on it too.
  3. It was completely unfair on Hughton to be sacked. The fans had a right to be angry at the time.
  4. I did quite like Ginola. I might need to stop thinking about this before I realise I have no idea what I think about anything.
  5. Good news that Lily Allen is apparently working on a new album.
  6. Well wikipedia tells me that Philippe Albert was still at Newcastle until 1999. I might have to revise my opinions slightly.
  7. I said almost. early-mid 90's was the last time I liked them. Hated them under Bobby.
  8. It's almost 20 years since the last time they were likable. They certainly weren't at any point when Shearer was with them.
  9. They're looking like the exact opposite of what Newcastle normally do. Actually likable for the first time in years.
  10. The twats are keeping their soup to themselves!! Saving some for lunch tomorrow too.
  11. When I find a cockroach in my flat I put it in the fridge so it can walk all over my food.
  12. Top quality hookers aint cheap.
  13. Too right, he should have kept going forever. Home Alone 12: All my family are dead. An elderly Culkin struggles with loneliness as he lives in the big family home all alone. He decided to hire a couple of out of work actors to pretend to be thieves and he can relive the glory days of his youth. But what will happen when the actors discover something that they actually do want to steal.......... I should work in Hollywood.
  14. But you love 4 and are eagerly awaiting 5? And 2 is great you fool!
  15. I always need a holiday after that lousy smarch weather.
  16. Fasting? What the fuck for?
  17. Looks tasty, but we need to get an oven before I can even attempt that.
  18. My flatmate is making a tasty looking soup right now. My day could hinge entirely on whether she offers me some.
  19. Everything in Home Alone is great.
  20. It would never get past the postie. They couldn't resist the wonderful foreign cuisine.
  21. After enjoying Lock Stock, I watched Snatch the other day. Top Stuff. Sometimes I really don't understand how it takes me so long to see some good films. I remember someone lending me Snatch on VHS about 6 years ago and not bothering to watch it. What a fool.
  22. No I would love a Steak and Ale pie right now.
  23. Tribute bands can be good fun. I usually don't care about costumes and looking like the real thing, that can be left to Michael Kelly and Challenge TV. Just make sure you can play the tunes well.
  24. If I could get a good proper pie over here I'd have much more of a problem.
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