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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. They wont win it just because the final is at their stadium. Anytime a big team gets excited about the final being at their home ground they fuck it up.
  2. Flights, how much would this Kitchen cost?
  3. If someone has left dirty dishes a bit too long then tell them and ask them to wash up. Then they will. Surely this would always work if the people in the flat are normal.
  4. I moved in with two very good friends just over a month ago. So far so good.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if they fuck up tonight's game.
  6. Mad Men and Game of Thrones are going to make Mondays awesome for the next few months.
  7. Their early season form was pretty poor as the players adapted to Bielsa's instructions and even since then they've been inconsistent. Their style of play is so intense that is seems they just can't pull it off every game but do it well when they are really up for it in the big games. Perfect for doing well in the cups really. Hopefully they can still push on and get 4th place as well.
  8. I've just woken up from an ace catch up on sleep lie in.
  9. Having a week off holiday is super ace. I've had a great weekend and not having to worry about work tomorrow makes it so much better.
  10. My flat mate went out a couple of hours ago and turned down a street to find hundreds of people running away from the police firing rubber bullets
  11. If I had been eating anything at the moment I read that headline it would have ended up all over my laptop.
  12. Don't Scottish school holidays start in July?
  13. It was May last year. It was something similar to occupy wall street. A camp was set up in the main plaza in the centre of the city. After a few days the police went in to "move them out so the plaza could be cleaned". Then they went mental and started beating folk. There have been cases when it hasn't been but on that occasion it was completely peaceful and the police went crazy.
  14. Wouldn't flights be a few hundred themselves? 600 doesn't sound that bad. I've never gone on an all inclusive type holiday before though.
  15. There was a little bit of debt on it when they took it. More now. But it's so far just carried on as normal. The minimum payments are about the same etc.
  16. Catalunya has different police to the rest of Spain and there are two types of police. The police who deal with more serious crime can be mental and are quite scary. Tbh I feel quite uncomfortable just walking past them. Friendly police http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdFc3sgzz1s
  17. I haven't been outside yet. Last time most bars stayed open but often with the shutters half down so they could close quickly if any angry mobs came past. Independently owned places aren't as likely to close. Mostly bigger businesses that have been affected. The police haven't started beating people yet, which is good.
  18. Complete General Strike. It's a protest against new labour reforms that have been proposed which will reduce the rights of workers. Almost all public transport has stopped. Lots of schools and unis are closed. A lot of big factories have closed. There was one in September last year too, got a bit mental as there are always wankers who see it as a chance to cause trouble and smash things.
  19. Spain is telling itself to fuck off today. GENERAL STRIKE!! I'm being a scab though and working.
  20. I got a second credit card once. A woman started chatting to me in an airport and we talked about how shit ryanair are. Next thing I knew I was signing some papers for a new card. I cut it up and never used it though. Speaking of credit cards about 2 months ago I was told that Egg had given my account to barclaycard. How does that work? They don't have to ask me?
  21. I've always associated the two of you.
  22. When I got a credit card i just applied online to egg and got one about a week later.
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