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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Both their user names start with D
  2. Ronnie will do it with less deflections. Although more pens.
  3. Cantona was only 30? Did not realise that? He could have signed for Milan and played for ages more and won loads of trophies. It was brought up on Football Weekly but did you know Andrea Pirlo is only 32? I'm sure he's been over 30 for at least 8 years.
  4. I could see Messi's number of assists going up as his goals decrease. His close control and passing mean he could probably play until he's 50. Or 80 if he moves to the SPL. Ronaldo could just stop running, stay around 25 - 30 yards from goal and when the ball comes to him give it a whack. He'd still be one of the top scorers around.
  5. Because no pint of wine companies exist. Yet.
  6. 32 sounds young but he'll have scored about another billion goals by then. Could you imagine if these guys did a giggs and just kept playing near their top level forever. Messi would have broken so many records that even Zlatan would admit he's not the only good footballer on the planet. Still no 1 but he'll accept Leo as a good second.
  7. Best use of a your mum gag in a long time.
  8. I wonder if in 40 years the two of them will slag each other off in the media all the time like Pele and Maradonna do.
  9. I was getting hot tub adverts last weekend.
  10. She'll be back sooner or later. Maybe the halloween pic, that was pretty sexy. However, maybe not as sexy as James and his pink paper.
  11. AC Jimbo, reading the gazzetta dello sport. Had to change it as the last one kept giving me flashbacks to being a drunken twat last weekend.
  12. I know, each one I saw I thought was finished after about 10 minutes then it just kept on going and turned into something amazing.
  13. Nature in being nicer in the countryside shocker.
  14. I'd never heard of him at all until a couple of weeks ago when a friend who used to watch it as a child downloaded some episodes. She it on one sunday and it turns out it is almighty hangover viewing.
  15. I understand being annoyed by media over saturation on a topic but I think, like soda jerk, you should still be able to enjoy watching him play. There's always going to be articles when he breaks another record or whatever but you could just not read them. Messi discussion doesn't annoy me but what does is Messi v Ronaldo discussion. It always seems to descend into people talking about the player they think is second best in the world as if they're a shit, talentless bum. Enjoy watching both of them.
  16. he agrees with my asking the question
  17. What the hell is wrong with this thread?
  18. This view seems to be more and more common but I genuinely pity people who think this way. I'm going to enjoy every moment I get to see him play and I'm grateful I'm able to. and in la liga news... IT'S ON!!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq6tA2VsXRI WOOOOOOOOOOF!!!!
  20. I'm just surprised it's considered weird not to have seen a film about a South African paralympic athlete.
  21. I was in the same position up until a few months ago (although I never thought it looked shit, just wasn't so interested). Finally watched it though and it is really great.
  22. not seen any either and I too probably reference at least a couple of them
  23. I stumbled across them at sonar last year. With the state I was in at the time I found them to be the weirdest thing ever although the only firm memory of the music I have is the bass almost shaking all my insides out at one moment.
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