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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I can see a case where it could have been a good thing.
  2. We didn't really do much shakespeare in school anyway. We did have to watch an awful film adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing with Keanu Reeves in it. My real hate from English was Silas Marner. George Elliot can fuck right off.
  3. I don't think I've ever heard that line before I'm not really a fan either but his "importance" to literature surely isn't up for debate. And if it is, this site is probably not the place for that debate.
  4. top top film and a brilliant performance from cage.
  5. [easydigatjake] Maybe your parents should have got you put down when you had bowel problems? [/easydigatjake]
  6. I've been enjoying the fantasy beds mixtape by Antwon http://antwon.bandcamp.com/album/fantasy-beds-mixtape And the new Big K.R.I.T is out. Full of great stuff as ever. http://www.livemixtapes.com/download/16042/big_krit_4eva_n_a_day.html
  7. Have Kenny's latest comments been discussed yet? Actually said kit deals and making money are as important as winning trophies. He's gone loony and the fans still love him.
  8. We use one of these for coffee at home. I do like to go out and get a coffee though, especially when I have plenty of time to sit and take my time. I resent paying more than 1.50 a cup though.
  9. No need to respond to every one. Not sure I've ever seen anyone do that. Normally people just put up one message of their own thanking people, don't they? I like the birthday reminders, there are definitely good friends of mine whose birthday I wouldn't know / remember without facebook.
  10. http://ilpvideo.com/video.php?v=ODM3 this actually makes me quite sad
  11. http://www.factmag.com/2012/03/12/sxsw-to-use-homeless-people-as-4g-wireless-points/
  12. I honestly believe I think of that song every single time I hear someone use the word bizarre. It would be embarrassing for all concerned if I wrote a heartfelt and sincere response to that comment which I think I'll just forget exists. Especially as I normally quite like surfer rosa as a boarder. All I'll say is that will.i.am is no bueno and he couldn't take over the dancefloor in a million years.
  13. Once City got to the point of most people expecting them to win the league this season they seemed to return to the cautious style of last season which is a shame. They were great to watch during the first few months of the season. I was more than happy for them to win the league while they were playing that way.
  14. I think of getting the Aberdeen Music "I Love It" trophy.
  15. Who wants to achieve things? It means having to work hard.
  16. Been to a few gigs the last month. Buraka Som Sistema, Dilated Peoples and M83. All of them were really great. I'd happily go see any of them again next week, especially buraka and m83.
  17. She's friends with Space Cowboy who produced both her albums. When it comes to making the beats it could be all him, no one really knows. I'd guess most of them come from the two working on ideas together in the studio.
  18. I was introduced to her on the atease messageboard where she has some fans, apart from there and the popjustice board she seems to be almost completely unknown. Only 500 fans on facebook. One her songs was used on some dancing tv show, that's really the only public recognition she's had. I'm pleased you made another fan. Whenever I put her on at parties the reaction is not very positive
  19. I really wonder how many copies she'd actually sell. Her first album did get a limited release but that was back when her songs weren't as good and she seemed to be actually trying to be a pop star.
  20. I have no idea. Nadia will do what Nadia will do. Almost certainly wont be anything on a disc though. The last album still hasn't got a physical release.
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