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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I've never heard of the term Percy either.
  2. I'd recommend Forza Italia. It's a really good read. Morbo is really excellent in parts but there are some chapters that I didn't enjoy nearly as much. I've recently re-read Breakfast of Champions by Vonnegut which I think I now rate more highly among his novels. Really enjoyed it. I also really enjoyed Call of the Weird by Louis Theroux. It's about him going around the US and revisiting people he met when making his documentaries. It was just as engaging as his TV shows. I'd definitely recommend it. Currently reading The Sun Also Rises by Hemmingway which I'm about half way through and like a lot so far.
  3. The anti-Jake brigade seem to have become quite vocal in the last week.
  4. Hardly seen any football the last two weekends. Only Carling cup final. What goals / highlights should I check out?
  5. If only I knew what you looked like this could have been my chance to participate in the stalking thread.
  6. It might only be 2 minutes but there a bazillion things jumbled in this song. New obsession.
  7. Why does Slapper not go on forever? 2 and a half mins is not enough.
  8. No internet for a week and I miss the release of the full version of Slapper (ayye)!!!! And to make it worse instead of nadia chat we've go Jake saying that Black Eyed Peas are good? GOOD? what the...? Anyway, here's the song of the year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTBkDFk-Ye4
  9. Properly moving into the new flat today. Wont have internet for at least a few days though which is not so ace.
  10. Listened to it about 20-30 times. I want the full version to be at least 6 minutes. working harder than 10 bitches in a hot tub
  11. I saw Dilated Peoples last night. Good fun.
  12. no info yet. the fact she has only previewed this and not put it up for free download like the last couple of tracks suggests it might be intended for LP3, but that could be wishful thinking.
  13. Preview of a new Nadia Oh track :D:D Slapper (Ayye)
  14. Did anything in my post suggest he is? I just used him as the highest profile example at the moment.
  15. The introduction of coaches like AVB who was never a player means that a top female coach is probably closer but I'd say still very very far away.
  16. Yeah that may all be true, but I don't really care about it. The music could be written by men in suits sitting in an office. If I like it more, I like it more. Of course others may think differently and your argument is probably very valid in terms of discussing punk ethic and values etc etc. It jsut doesn't interest me much.
  17. Their debut album is one of the few I have a really clear memory of listening to it for the very first time and thinking "holy fucking shit this is awesome". And London Calling is just one of the best albums ever.
  18. Certainly couldn't accuse The Clash of this. Personally I don't really care if a band was playing on top of the pops or in a sewer full of shit, I like The Clash's music more than any other band I've heard described as punk.
  19. Is !!BenBunkbedford473 a big deportees fan?
  20. I watched Bart After Dark yesterday. So many great gags. Announcer: We interrupt this cartoon for a special report. Homer: [gasps] Someone found my keys! Brockman: A clean-up effort is already underway, and as always, the first to pitch in are those unsung heroes, Hollywood movie stars. Milhouse: You guys are way off. It's a secret lab where they take the brains out of zombies and put them in the heads of other zombies to create a race of super-zombies. Nelson: That's the house?! Ned: Uh, it's an angry mob, ma'am. Could you step outside for a twinkle while we knock down your house?
  21. TAX REBATE From 4 years ago Today is awesome already.
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