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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I voted But, what is punk? But actually the UK wins just for The Clash.
  2. What the hell is this? http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/feb/23/manchester-city-hulk-unsporting-porto?CMP=twt_gu
  3. Hoegaarden is good. And it gets served in a monster of a glass too.
  4. Is that the full title of the film or a recommendation on when to watch it?
  5. Loves cats On a diet Stopped drinking not making any conclusions yet, just keeping track.
  6. The question of how well Celtic would do in the premier league and how well this current squad would do are very very different.
  7. The current Celtic squad would struggle. Definitely in that bottom group fighting for survival.
  8. I confirm that catalans definitely don't say "barthelona" If I dared to pronounce it like that I'd be laughed at mocked heartily. And fwiw I'm pretty sure the royal lisp tale is total codswallop.
  9. And don't forget me. Noid Droid! I just take it as meaning I visit the site too much
  10. I have never met him but I have seen 10 easy wishes play once or twice so I have more to contribute to this than the teabags thread.
  11. Always Estrella Damm. Well almost always. Once in a while they'll try to give you some shit lidl reject with a name like bierlagerbrau. But I don't stand for that shit!
  12. Cheep beer bought off an asian man on the street. mmmmm.
  13. NEEEEEVEEER! I wanted to post a clip of ralph wiggum saying that when playing george washington but couldn't find it I really like the song though. I also like these songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDySGuM_yyo
  14. Look who's been in my av for the last few days. This live performance of GO is fantastic. I must have posted this before in this thread but here's Love You So I'll try and check all other links later.
  15. I thought Section 80 was very good. It never really became a record I'd put on repeat though. However HiiPower is really great. I'll check out those death grips links later, I've been meaning to check them out for a while.
  16. My standard tipple is pretty regular lager. I can appreciate a very good beer but I normally just drink one of the common ones on offer here. When on a bigger night and I move on from the beers to spirits I used to be all about Gin. Gin and Tonic, Gin and Juice, lovely. Big Tanqueray fan. However recent times have seen me consume a lot of rum. Just fairly cheap stuff, nothing fancy. Red Wine will make regular appearances, good to sort out a hangover I say. Using Sideways as a reference point I'm definitely more of a Thomas Haydn Church than a Paul Giamatti but I can just about tell when something is really shit. And living in more of a wine country I can some bottles here for about 3 euros that would be 7 or 8 quid in UK so it's quite easy to get something decent.
  17. I'm going to start watching Homeland, which I've been hearing a lot about lately.
  18. Food, after not having eaten any for close to two days. Starting work on Mondays at 5.30 PM. This saves consistently saves from absolutely horrible days.
  19. Buraka Som Sistema gig on Saturday was incredibly good. Best gig I've been to in ages. Brilliant fun. I had a great night afterwards too despite getting trapped in a lift for about 45 minutes.
  20. Monday and having to go to work. Sunday has been completely blown out through partying and sleeping. I need another day to recover. Worst part is that it is actually a holiday here tomorrow but my school doesn't get it for some reason.
  21. I'm not going to forget it. I'm going to like it! It's my fault I didn't get it, not the joke's.
  22. No it is. http://www.stalybridgeceltic.co.uk/ They're in blue square bet north. so that's what no money gets you. soda jerk was right. and so were abba.
  23. Is that how it is? I can't remember. Not heard of them in years.
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