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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Stalybridge Celtic don't have much money and look where they are!!!!
  2. Does Jake actually like Cats or is it all a big attempt to change his meme away from girlfriends and bowel habits? Just a thought that occurred to me.
  3. Good thing you keep your cat hidden in your back pack, otherwise he may have recognised you and spoiled the stalk.
  4. Sack AVB and get in Alan Shearer. Go ex players go.
  5. Another new (and great) K.R.I.T track http://www.2dopeboyz.com/2012/02/15/big-k-r-i-t-king-pt-2/
  6. How does your girlfriend feel that her "favourite film of all time in the history of films made in the world ever" is only an 8/10? Bet you lied to her, didn't you?
  7. Probably best to wait to see how many Napoli put past Chelsea next week.
  8. Arsenlol. After Italian sides suffering so much in europe against English teams in recent years I'm enjoying the change this season has brought.
  9. Yeah that Verse is awesome and is obviously hers. As much as I like Kanye I think something on his album is more likely written by someone else than him writing for someone. But really other than that and Superbass which I quite like, she can do one.
  10. Not sure but it can be streamed at the link I put a few posts up. Under the MIA vid.
  11. I downloaded the new Sleigh Bells album last night but not listened to it yet. Heard good things though. I've decided that apart from a couple of things, Minaj is just shit. Her gimmicks get old quick.
  12. He WAS one of the most annoying characters!
  13. Well of course it's a picture of a Victorian man holding a fish. What else would it be?
  14. That's all fair enough. Irrational hatred is really the only kind of hatred that makes sense in football. Most of the time anyway. Think I once had a poster of Dennis Wise on my bedroom wall Next to the one of Frank Lebouf! edit - that di matteo goal
  15. What do you hate so much about Chelsea Adam? Just out of curiosity. I understand why some people dislike them due to the Abramovich / Mourinho effects but not sure why someone would hate them much more than that.
  16. The Burial EP is wonderful. Probably my favourite release I've heard of his.
  17. How long's a while? Does the profile happen to have a picture of you as a young baby faced teen? May explain your new "fan".
  18. Moose said he'd just had deja vu. I then reposted exactly what you had just said before. But with your avatar to give him deja vu again. It's these sort of amusements which make my mornings. I'm going to change it again now though. I need to find something new though. I could vary from the girl pop theme but I probably wont.
  19. to add to the affect of my lame gag in this thread http://www.aberdeen-music.com/threads/pet-hates.38097/page-823#post-729563
  20. She's confirmed it on twitter. First EP should be with us "soon".
  21. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/threads/things-that-make-you-realise-you-are-getting-old.51698/
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