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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'm not sure the kid would be capable of cleaning it to her standards
  2. Curren$y's Muscle Car Chronicles will be released tomorrow.
  3. I love the fact that Sir Alex appears to be the Bez of the group. Only without maracas. edit - ha a bez coincidence!
  4. And they say the youth of today have no work ethic.
  5. Yeah that's him headbanging away. He loves it, he does. Big fan of the bongos and guitar combo. Even better with some Russian vocals.
  6. If I have kids I'll be that guy! Although my kids wont be dicks.
  7. Being asked what I will want to have 2 weeks in advance would be a far bigger annoyance to me!
  8. I wonder what Jim Whyte makes of all of this.... And this has nothing to do with anything, just needs looking at.
  9. Just choose to believe the Adam Ant answer.
  10. It's an expression I hope is actually never used outside of this thread. Berlin is definitely top of my European cities I need to visit list.
  11. Yeah I dunno why she's chosen that route. There isn't actually any official news about it so who knows if it is true. She had such a hassle with her second album I wasn't really sure there'd be a third. You can always just put the 3 of them together and treat it like an album anyway.
  12. I think we'd all be happier just pretending none of that is true.
  13. Are you sure it's not a publicity campaign from the Aberdeen branch of the fan club of a certain 80's popstar?
  14. I always seems to happen that I get into a band and then find out that I missed seeing them live because I hadn't heard them a month or two earlier. Now for once the opposite has happened. I only heard Buraka Som Sistema for the first time a couple of weeks ago and now I'm going to get to see them live on Saturday. Gonna tear up the dancefloor. Unrelated but Trigger's av is obviously ace-ic.
  15. Just realised Arsenal are actually 4th on goals scored. I've not been paying attention lately. Didn't know that Mick had been sacked either.
  16. They should be 4th, they've been much better this season. I hope spurs win it all, despite Harry. City have become boring and rubbish again. I was all for them when they were great to watch for the first few months of the season. The pressure seems to have affected their style of play in the last couple of months.
  17. How are Chelsea still 4th in the league? I'm sure we've not won a game all season. I never expect them to win at all these days. Arsenal and Liverpool must be really shit if they're even lower.
  18. Reaction to the Grammys last night I imagine.
  19. The video for this song is really great. Listen to (and buy) the new Burial EP here. http://www.hyperdub.net/releases/view/149/HDB059 Sounds great.
  20. It's a bit pish, ain't it? In exciting pop news there are some whispers that Annie is going to have 3 EP's out during this year. And also the Florrie / Annie collab that Florrie mentioned a while back may be seen sometime soon too.
  21. Drunk a silly amount Fri and Sat. Went to one of these today. Catalan culture and shit. Helps me feel like my weekend wasn't a complete shambles.
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