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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'm not going to. I have heard enough songs by both to know they are not for me. I even saw Brand New live once. I was able to ignore them which is a lot more than can be said for Finch who came on afterwards, so they have that.
  2. Interpol - Turn on the bright lights. They got so shit after but this is still so wonderful.
  3. There is that. Not sure that rationally makes him worse then Terry but he still is in my mind.
  4. Think that right there might be the definition of a weak man.
  5. Does the other band have their own message board too?
  6. The whole team will wear captain's armbands with his face on it.
  7. Great. Don't know. Haven't heard but I'm sure it's shite. Haven't heard but I'm sure it's shite.
  8. He's just a rotten toe rag. Look at his face. Not sure if England has any likable players.
  9. I decided to keep my recent avatar pop theme and went for Ke$ha.
  10. He probably would have posted some crap from the cold mountain soundtrack rather than an awesome Black Keys song.
  11. I feel like a new avatar. Not sure what yet though.
  12. Who else's opinion would I be sharing?
  13. He should probably just save his money and listen to every song posted in the pop thread.
  14. These pages are just full of Milner being wrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQH3abUVxt4 They released one of the top ten albums of both 2011 and 2010.
  15. Jack Wilshere has been Jack Wilshere. I will not explain my dislike for him. Because I can't.
  16. The FA are just mental and their thought process changes all the time. You can never find consistency in their decisions. Sometimes it's all about sending a message and they go over the top other times they just couldn't give a fuck.
  17. Wish I was going to see The Black Keys
  18. Absolutely mental match http://www.footytube.com/video/Inter-Milan-vs-Palermo-103530?ref=lchan_results
  19. John Terry ok he's a bit of a nobber but not really worse than the average English national team player. He's certainly not as bad as Jack Wilshere!
  20. I'm not supporting anyplace which is moderated by someone who thinks sweet popcorn is better than salted.
  21. Nice of them to wait until he's been found either innocent or guilty.
  22. On the drive up will you listen to Buck Rogers on your CD Playa aya aya aya aya? this is what happens when there's no dislike button
  23. I just don't get people who prefer sweet popcorn. I have good friends who like sweet popcorn but it makes me a little wary of them. I'll always look kindly on someone who goes for salted. Tbh the world would make more sense to me if the all wars were fought over popcorn preference rather than religion.
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