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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Their song titles So awful. I don't really know what metalcore is either and I don't think I want to find out.
  2. Who the fuck are BMTH? When a rock band throws in a soppy acoustic ballad at the end of an album to show that they have feelings or some shit, it's always the worst song.
  3. Life's Too Short was pretty pish. I didn't even watch all of them. I liked parts of some episodes but it wasn't very good overall. But he could make 100 shit new shows and it wouldn't taint the office one bit in my eyes.
  4. I posted it in the spotify thread yesterday but I'm going to mention it again because John Talabot - fin has become the first 2012 album to really blow me away. Grimes, Lana Del Rey and Sharon Van Etten have all been good but none have them hooked me like this has. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85ElR5l-jaU
  5. The BBC SPORT website has just changed and looks absolutely awful
  6. Delilah who released the great Love You So Ep last month and has an album coming out in the spring has just given away a new mixtape, download here http://bit.ly/w3UEkB
  7. I'll come back and listen to the links later but that is a pretty great / informative post from Giles.
  8. Looking forward to it, although having said that I haven't liked any of his recent output nearly as much as the first 3 white stripes albums.
  9. Omg I can't like Flights anymore, this is heartbreaking. In terms of comedy The Office is only bettered by golden era Simpsons. Fact. I completely agree on the people moaning about remakes etc. Although I got shot down on here before when I said the same thing about Hollywood remaking films from the other countries.
  10. Marriage, house owning and babies are three things I don't I'll be involved with for some time. So I can feel young for a bit longer I guess.
  11. really? is that happening? it would be a tidy little deal. edit - RE: mccourt
  12. Peppers being twice the price they were a month ago
  13. He'll be kicking the POG out soon too. Fergie hates young talent these days. It's all about ageing midfielders.
  14. However I'm actually quite happy to have grown up at a time when it meant the internet, smartphones (or any mobiles really), ipods etc weren't around during my childhood but I have had the benefit of them during most of my adult life.
  15. Good post. Not quite as old, but I add these. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOHG5_HixdI
  16. Today I have fallen in love with John Talabot - Fin stand out tracks on first listen Destiny, Last Land and When the Past was the Present.
  17. that's probably a good idea. Back on track. Talking to people who can't really remember the internet not existing makes me feel a little old.
  18. I doubt you're the only one. Especially with sky plus these days.
  19. ...and from that day on Jake's life was never the same again. The era of poo had begun.
  20. New M.I.A album this summer. Listen to the new single here. http://pitchfork.com/news/45258-premiere-mia-bad-girls/
  21. I definitely prefer the two day recovery period but I'm okay with one, especially as I have a very late start on Mondays. The last two weekends I have had a big night on the friday and then drunk quite a bit more on the saturday but during the day and over a long period and got to bed at a time I normally would during the week. Both Sundays I've felt great which has led to much more pleasurable Mondays. The Saturday nights which don't end until 7/8 am or later are the killers. I'll feel the effect of that for a few days afterwards.
  22. I could never ever do the whole go out, have 3 or 4 hours sleep and the get up and go to uni/ work thing. I'm just not capable of it. I need my sleep. The couple of times I tried I felt so awful I knew not to bother again.
  23. Jack White is releasing his first solo album this April. You can listen to the first single here. http://www.jackwhiteiii.com/
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