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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Phone deals in the UK are so good Something to be thankful for.
  2. Don't think I've ever sharted. I do have a couple of shameful pee stories (one extremely shameful) but they will not be shared at this moment in time.
  3. Hansen has become so bad I actually prefer Lawro now. MOTD gets a lot of stick these days but deservedly so imo. Their punditry rarely goes beyond, "he should have done better there". I agree Dixon can be good though.
  4. He's probably just thinking about all those David Guetta collaborations that have filled the charts lately.
  5. Hansen is absolutely shit now and has been for some time. I'm convinced he doesn't even care about football anymore he just wants the pay cheque.
  6. A friend of mine once got an iphone unlocked in an unofficial way. Afterwards when you turned it on, the apple logo was replaced by one of a pineapple. cool story......
  7. Monsters - stolen from imdb It was pretty good although I felt it maybe fell just a little short of really pulling off what it was trying to achieve, which is basically a mix of Lost in Translation and Alien. Definitely worth a watch. 7.5/10 Role Models - Another silly comedy from all those people who are in all the other silly comedies. Does what it says on the tin basically. I didn't mind talking through it at times and I did laugh at quite a few moments. 6/10
  8. damn straight. the weekend coming before payday has made my bank balance look much less healthy than desired. I also have 3 months of bills to pay.
  9. All old people are rubbish. They couldn't even stay alive. I do that every day!
  10. edit- i'll put this here since i meant my post for another thread http://www.sanmiguelprimaverasound.es/artistas lots of ace-ic there
  11. Quite a pricey local gig, but local yes. For some reason the main days of the festival are thursday, friday and saturday. Why the hell start on Thursday? What's wrong with Friday - Sunday? Last year this put me off a bit and I only went to Saturday because of work. None of that this year.
  12. Yeah school wasn't bad, but I wouldn't get particularly nostalgic about the time either. Average, that's what school was.
  13. Watching the full Primavera Sound line up be announced. Loads of good bands were already confirmed but they just keep on coming. Sharon van Etten, Atlas Sound, Thee Oh Sees and The Field among the artists I like that have just been announced today. It's going to be super.
  14. I'm quite happy that 10 years have passed since school. Life after school/uni has been much more fun.
  15. I'm going to give stroopy the benefit of the doubt and say his last post was intentional.
  16. There's a guy I work with who is 32 and complains that he can't spend much time outside in the winter because the cold hurts his bones.
  17. Well it's a bigger city so there are more to choose from than in Aberdeen. But I enjoy them more now because nowadays I enjoy spending the night dancing to techno music which I would have hated a few years ago. Also in Aberdeen I'd find that often I'd just go to a club because the bars were closing and it was the only option if I wanted to stay out longer. Whereas here I could find a bar open at pretty much anytime and I'll only go to a club if it's actually what I want to do.
  18. Rather than being the end of the world it was year in which it got a whole lot better.
  19. If Sam can remember 1984 coming out then he must have been very shit at school.
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