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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. This song did get to the played to overkill point the year it was released but I heard it the other day and it still makes me want to dance. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQLEj2cLXqk
  2. I know what you mean. The sort of thing you imagine being liked by Tim Robbins' character in High Fidelity. Very shit.
  3. I'm pretty sure most of my rejections from females have little to do with my age so they don't make me feel old.
  4. Yeah it's shit reality tv, but Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents is back. And it was bloody hilarious!!
  5. Since it's the most embarrassing genre name ever I think you should let him have it.
  6. I've once or twice found myself saying to students "when I was your age......" I try to avoid that though. However in general I don't feel old.
  7. I had a big mac meal last night. Second one in two weeks. A sure sign my life may be heading off the rails. On the plus side it made me feel like I couldn't drink anymore so I went home early and don't feel horrible today.
  8. New 30 Rocks were ok. Nice to have something else to watch on a friday morning again.
  9. Don't watch Modern Family. And there's new 30 rock is there?
  10. You're right it. All the blame to the other bad stuff. think I'm about to head out. I haven't moved from bed yet but I think if i stay here too long the fear is going to devour me.
  11. I know nothing about recording music but Gorrilaz released an album completely recorded on an ipad so it must be ok.
  12. Rum + other bad stuff is the cause of my pain right now.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmt7CBTNIt4
  14. I don't know what to make of that Jason derulo song.
  15. I don't see how this affects my wanting a burger. I NEED irn bru right now.
  16. I posted this before but I'm going to again because I love it. alternative link for flights if you are at work and can't youtube. http://soundcloud.com/rosequartzblog/catcall-satellites
  17. erm that should have been half way down, not done. meaning i had to go to the second page of the forum to find it. outrageous. pop music is the only thing making me feel good today. I feel horrible and it's raining outside.
  18. If you can bring a burger to me right now I will pay for you to have one too. then you have to hug me and tell me everything will be ok
  19. The fuck is this thread doing half way done page two? Just listened to this song for the first time in forever.
  20. A beer might work but what I really want is someone to hug me and tell me everything will be ok.
  21. But what's the point in going outside since the scene died?
  22. Big hearty rum and cokes from quite an early point in the evening. After all the wine and beer was finished. Just spoke to a friend who was out last night . Apparently we went into the club about 1 and I disappeared after about 25 mins but my phone tells me my walk home was probably between 4 and 5 ish. So that's at least a couple of hours I was probably wandering around / dancing on my own / failing to chat up girls. Now another friend has got in touch telling me to get to the pub to watch the football. Don't think I can. It's too much. Someone bring me irn bru.
  23. I'm more in need of a why did I spend that money thread. I remember going to the club but have no idea how long I was in there for. Something made me leave suddenly but I'm not sure what.
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