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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Last night didn't go as planned. I didn't go to the cinema. I went to a club. don't remember much of it except I left early for some reason and walked home for an hour trying to phone people the whole time. Feel like shit now, how did this happen?
  2. Friday: Heading to a friend's place shortly and she's going to cook me dinner, which is nice. Although maybe not, I have my suspicions her cooking may be a bit dodgy. Going with a group of friends to the cinema to see The Artist later on. Saturday: I'll watch the Man U - Liverpool game for sure, no other plans, going to be a fairly quiet day I think. No big night out anyway. Sunday: Again nothing planned, maybe lunch with some friends.
  3. Lost my connection and got it back in time to see Djoko celebrating. Now off to work without having eaten properly
  4. This match is too much. Sport at it's bloody best.
  5. This match is awesome. I reckon I have 20 mins max before I must go out to work.
  6. He'll probably lose his serve now
  7. Bloody hell. They think it's all over, no it's fucking not!
  8. Best controller ever you pint drinking evra loving jerk!
  9. Don't really understand why they bothered making nay consoles after the N64. All unnecessary imo.
  10. have you thought about changing it up and listening to something brand new?
  11. How the hell did it slip by unnoticed? You should have written something in big bold letters.
  12. All this intrigue does work! I might pay just to see this forum. The not knowing what's inside will kill me!
  13. Oh you actually hate him? That's good, I just stumbled across the picture and wanted to post it somewhere.
  14. The most bizarre thing is that the news is from September and it seems none of us heard of it until now!
  15. Think he basically gave up on that one after the first couple of games. The 5th wont be like that.
  16. Well this is why I don't bet on sports events. Murray is playing some incredible tennis but fucking up too often but actually the best thing about this is how each time he loses a bad game he's coming back very strong the next and not dwelling on the mistakes as he often seems to do.
  17. Are posts automatically better in the Lounge forum?
  18. What a total 4th best in the world cunt. Losing games like that are what cost you grand slams. Djoko to take the tie break and 4th set now. BOOOO-UUUUUUURNS
  19. Come OOOOOOOON. Serving for the third set. Take this and he'll win the match I think.
  20. Jake sent me a PM saying that his actual favourite album is this
  21. Hope this doesn't go to 5 sets. I'll probably have to leave before it finishes if so. Even at 4 sets I might be going out without having a shower.
  22. He's still making some sloppy errors at times though. He could be right in control of this 3rd set too if he wasn't.
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