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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. They make me want to go to the movies. On a Saturday night!
  2. But it's got better. Impressive second set, more so after losing the first two games. He might not win the match but at least he's made it competitive.
  3. Didn't know where to post it???? There's a ridiculous news thread. That thread was designed for this news! It could not be more ridiculous.
  4. I believe in Frank Turner fucking off and leaving believing in stuff to Robson and Jerome!
  5. and this one, sooooo much. It's unbelievably good live.
  6. I honestly thought Brand New were just a band that were mildy popular about 10 years ago then disappeared. The fact that they have people totally obsessed with them should give hope to most bands out there.
  7. I know a lot of people who go on about Frank Turner being great but the only thing I've heard from anyone with that name is and I refuse to believe it's the same person they're talking about. The man in the video deserves an anvil dropped on his head.
  8. Well this hasn't started so well.
  9. Channel 4 humour can fuck off.
  10. Why the fuck are there chips on the plate. They do not form part of a breakfast. Hash browns would be an acceptable replacement but a traditionalist would probably want those kept off as well.
  11. I think he's proved that he can beat them. His problem is that to win a slam he has to beat two of them in consecutive 5 set matches and he doesn't reach his highest level consistently enough for that.
  12. Soda Jerk for liverpool liquidator, lets make it happen.
  13. Exactly, you can't stand with your arms out like a goalie and then claim it was an accident if the ball hits one.
  14. by becoming a rock star DJ http://www.nme.com/news/various-artists/61640
  15. Judging by the reaction to LDR it seems as if people do more than ever.
  16. I only heard them for the first time a few days ago. That song is the stand out on the album but there are a few others I really like too.
  17. Good hip hop picks from Murrr, as I'd expect. Although those Beastie Boys and The Roots albums aren't my favourites from those groups.
  18. On the handball thing, I haven't seen the incident from tonight but there are times when a player positions himself with his arms stretched out wide than if the ball hits off one of them it should be given whether or not there is an intentional movement towards the ball. This is the interpretation most refs seem to go with. The John Terry stance I call it, except he gets away with it. The top lad. El Clasico, I saw the second half and Barca were quite lucky to get through.
  19. Haggis should be eaten every night of the year.
  20. Anti-semitism ain't it. Full of nazis this place. Do have a horrible cunt of a manager though.
  21. Well then it's time to say, "hey it doesn't matter that your favourite musical acts are Justin Beiber, Enya and Skrillex, I don't judge you and I'll still be your friend."
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