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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Sing alongs are great at times when they really work. What really is the worst is when an act is playing a slower/ quieter tracks and the audience calms down and listens attentively except the one plank next to you who thinks he can sing along perfectly but actually sounds like a car skidding around a corner.
  2. I think I'd rather have Johnny''s weekend than Chris'.
  3. Do laaaadddzz typical take lots of drugs? I always thought this meme that ab music has going on was referring to lager lout just get total pished type. Not that this is important in any way at all.
  4. It's (just) Friday, the weekend is here once again. Mine was close to starting early as some friends were trying to persuade to go out to see Diplo at a club tonight. I was almost convinced since I do very easy day and afternoon start tomorrow. Thankfully I was reminded in time that I am being a witness at a wedding in the morning. It could all have gone horribly wrong! No big plans for Friday night but I imagine I'll get up to something. Saturday afternoon is going to be an early little burns thing with my Scottish friends. Some haggis was brought back at new year for it. Can't wait. Saturday night I've got a leaving party for someone I know who's moving to Australia. Then Sunday. SUPER SUNDAY. Absolutely cracking pair of fixtures in the premiership. probably end up a disappointment but I can't wait to take up my position in the pub for it.
  5. Not sure I'd want to hear it all the time, liked it on first listen though. The others I listened to less so.
  6. I'd not heard of them until this thread. Checked out some songs on youtube. They're not bad I guess. I like that down with the trumpets song.
  7. I'm wearing a Jake Bassist t-shirt while I post to show my support for him against the unjust persecution from the authorities.
  8. They probably hate it all, anti fun of all kinds! It does kind of show why there isn't that much music discussion at all times. With a relatively small number of active users it seems only occasionally that the same new music is enjoyed by a large group of people here. The radiohead and pj harvey releases got a good bit of discussion last year. Otherwise it seemed that most chat was restricted to the one albums 2011 thread with one person saying i like this and maybe one other agreeing.
  9. Anyway look at this. MUSIC DISCUSSION and it's not even in the music discussion forum! The anti-banter brigade will be pleased.
  10. Neither do I really, I've heard somethings that I thought were alright and others that sounded awful and completely different but all were supposed to be dubstep. That track I guess isn't offensive or anything but just doesn't do anything for me. I can't imagine ever wanting to put something like that on.
  11. all sounds the same to me. [/out of touch] anyway I don't think our tastes have that much in common, dub or otherwise.
  12. I'm not really sure what it is but I think I don't like it. It could have been raggae dub playing for all I know. Any of that sort of stuff, Raggae, dub, sak etc just can't be doing with it. Annoyingly it seems to be liked by most people and seen as a safe choice when there's a group of people with different tastes.
  13. Confession. I have a very strong dislike for reggae music. My flatmate is playing some right now. Not even loudly but it's doing my head in. I can't complain really she probably hates everything I ever put on.
  14. yeah it was pretty bad. Most her live performances seem a little dodgy but this one was just weird. Still really lookign forward to the album though, Blue Jeans, Born to Die and Videogames are all great.
  15. Well the last couple of pages were interesting.
  16. My family is all from Aberdeen. I usually try to keep this quiet but due to my dad's work I was actually born south of the border and lived there until I was 4 when we came back up north. Lived in danestone for 5 years until we moved to portlethen where I lived until leaving. I had a couple of years of being split between scotland and abroad until I moved to Barcelona permanently 3 years ago. Didn't think of it as permanent at the time but it feels that way now. I really like Aberdeen but I doubt I'll return to live.
  17. Madrid have a big problem with discipline towards the end of these matches. In games they are losing they always seem to become really cynical in the final 15-20 minutes. Tackles flying all over the place with no intention of winning the ball. Remember when Adebayor came on in one game last year and just spent his whole time on the pitch pushing people. Barca are hardly saints in these matches but Madrid always seem to do their best at giving them the moral upperhand.
  18. Pet Hate: People hating the Pet Hates! thread!
  19. Nowaday's it's far from my favourite and a 7 is probably fair. However I'll always have a soft spot for it as it was the first SY album I really got into. Add Wish Fulfillment to the list of great tracks on it.
  20. Catcall's album is out in May apparently. Still love this song. http://soundcloud.com/rosequartzblog/catcall-satellites
  21. https://twitter.com/#!/AZEALIABANKS/status/159725511042539522 https://twitter.com/#!/AZEALIABANKS/status/159731515616526337
  22. I don't really see the problem with the pet hate and ace-ic threads. I'll admit to them being two of my most used. I think they're good for gathering a lot of chat that doesn't really merit it's own thread. And I still don't see any link between a lot of posts in pet hates and a low amount of music discussion.
  23. Puyol is wonderful. 51 games in a row now Barcelona haven't lost when he's been playing. It's often overlooked how important he is in keeping up Barcelona's attacking tempo. He keeps the defence at their high line, moves the ball into midfield quickly and encourages the high tempo, pressing game they play at their best. Top Man.
  24. There's a new 3 track Ep available for free download. Only listened to it once, sounded pleasant enough but nothing overly exciting. http://thequietus.com/articles/07713-rose-elinor-dougall-distractions-download
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