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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I was. My dad had me in something like this He hadn't strapped me in properly so when he bent down to tie a shoelace whoopsy daisy over i went noggin onto the pavement.
  2. 230 euros to change the locks. bloody hell. the owner will be paying for it anyway, whether he likes it or not.
  3. I am expecting to get totally ripped off when the locksmith arrives.
  4. All the likes in the world have been spent on my post, there are none left.
  5. yeah it is a rented flat. Now I've been told there was an incident before I moved in where someone maybe came into the flat at night but they didn't bother changing the locks that time! And it's not a simple yale lock it's one that should be much more secure. So I think someone is out there with a set of keys for the flat.
  6. So my flatmate's boyfriend was in the whole time! In her room. He heard someone come in but he said he heard the door opened with keys so just assumed it was me! Locksmith is on the way.
  7. Will a megapint of wine be bigger than a normal bottle of wine?
  8. It can be the only answer. He probably doesn't even drink his drinks in pint measures.
  9. No that I think of it, there have been a couple of times lately where I've answered the buzzer and no one's been there. I mainly want to know how he got in the front door of the flat. It wasn't fully locked but he should have needed a key to get in. And there's no sign of it being forced.
  10. Is it a work thing you're coming for? I'll be happy to give any advice you need.
  11. I should phone the police I guess, but I really can't be arsed dealing with them. Would much rather my flatmates did it later.
  12. I'm going to stalk the hell out of you:eek: I assume you look like your av.
  13. About ten minutes ago my buzzer went but I ignored it because I was lazy and knew it wouldn't be anyone for me. Then a few minutes later I thought I heard a noise in my flat so I turned my music off. Then suddenly some dude opened my bedroom door, looked really shocked to see me and ran out of my flat.
  14. He means you look like a weed.
  15. It's his aura, it has a powerful affect on anyone who goes near him. I just remembered fox though, he's an exception. He'd be average by my rules but that can't be since he's only 6 or something.
  16. You're old if you remember One-Up being on Diamond Street. You're young if you are in a band with JakeBassist. Everyone else is average.
  17. Looking like he's just had a hard day reading.
  18. This place is better than ever!
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