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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Most are in their 20's as far as I can tell.
  2. My musicmagpie order being given the okay and a cheque being sent out tomorrow.
  3. It's at times like this when we need to have this emoticon here
  4. Outbreak 2 Virus in Manhatten. Something like that. Although he leaves Ross to go to a zoo where he has other monkeys to shag and only later makes it in the movies.
  5. I can understand why most would be reluctant to produce a monkey focused project. Whatever you do it will never be as good as the 2 minutes of Planet of the Apes: The Musical featured in the simpsons.
  6. I watched it yesterday. Thinking about your question I reach the conclusion that there aren't enough films about monkeys!
  7. I've been noticing a lot recently how my diet at the time has a big effect. During the holidays I was basically eating junk food all the time and had some horror hangovers. After getting back to eating properly with enough fruit and veg, getting the right nutrients etc I felt much fresher this weekend after a couple of nights out.
  8. If it led to a big trial and more attention for her it'd be worth it.
  9. It would be interesting. It's probably a picture of a funny looking cat or something in the laugh out loud thread.
  10. Yeah it is but little black in itself isn't racist. Although obviously is in the way he used it directed at someone.
  11. People should only be allowed to use this site for romantic/shagging reasons if any bitterness/hatred/anger which arrives down the line is aired publicly and extensively on here too.
  12. People who claim to drink more than a minimal amount and to have never had a hangover are not to be trusted. They may be telling the truth but I wont be convinced. There's just something off about the whole thing.
  13. It is by quite some way my most "liked" post since the system came in. Being Monday those notifications are pretty much the highlight of my day.
  14. It would be the longest thread on the board and my post count would rocket.
  15. She probably has 3 different things on one slice. The crazy girl.
  16. Don't worry. I'm well aware of the signature.
  17. There's about a million things I wonder about her. She's a total enigma and a mystery.
  18. new track http://soundcloud.com/azealia-banks/needsumluv-sxlnd
  19. Hopefully the fucker will download a book about how not to be a dick.
  20. Whether or not there's doubt over his intentions at the time his behaviour since shows him as being like you say, a cunt. Even with being found guilty of racially insulting Evra he (and the club) could still have come out of this looking ten times as good as they do now. However every thing they've done since the incident has been the work of complete knobheads. I can see why Bobby is upset, Kompany, Silva and Yaya would probably be the last three he'd want to lose. But surely he's got to appreciate how it's not really on complaining about it in their situation.
  21. Well that's just little black. I thought the problem was that he bascially said he kicked him because he is black. He was definitely being racist anyway but the he didn't use any word that on it's own without context is offensive in the way that THE n word is.
  22. Just to be pedantic. No he didn't. They were speaking in Spanish and he said negro, spanish for black.
  23. I just read that series 3 was commissioned at the same time as 2, hopefully that means it wont be quite as long as wait. Still probably going to be a year though
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