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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. You should have been watching SHERLOCK you stupid bassist!
  2. SHERLOCK!!!!! That was a fucking amazing episode. The best TV. It's going to be torture waiting for the nest episode, whenever it happens.
  3. I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes tonight. It was alright, better than I expected really. I knew almost everything that was going to happen before as I once saw a ridiculous trailer for it which was basically a film summary. However it was still entertaining. Good for a hangover Sunday watch with friends. 7/10
  4. Luck being on a new thread locking spree. Well I think there's been two in the last couple of days, that's a spree to me. I had lots to add to that amadeus thread!
  5. If this thread doesn't turn into one of the greatest ever seen I'll be very disappointed. I bloody love Cool Thinker. I never went to Amadeus but I do remember seeing the bus for it with balloons inside.
  6. Wee green if you like that you should have been on the board when this picture was my avatar! http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltyqvl2tDT1qak6rn.jpg
  7. It's not actually. It's all just been a big hoax. Making you all look like fools.
  8. When I chose it I was in my huge radiohead fanboy phase and I thought paranoid android was the greatest song ever written without a doubt. I don't really like it as a username but I've had it for so long and I'm rubbish at choosing them so I probably wont bother changing it.
  9. I teach kids, teenagers and adults in the afternoons/ evenings so after regular school or uni or work etc I live in barcelona not aberdeen btw.
  10. I'm an English Teacher, foreign language kind, not literature kind. So I don't have to revise for exams, I give the exams!
  11. what exams? what do you study? I'm supposed to be going out for lunch but I don't feel like spending anymore money after those bloody taxis last night!
  12. What are you revising for Little Green? Last night was really good for a while but turned shitty by the end. Wish I'd got home earlier than 7 too. Not going to that cave again!
  13. A bus related hate from last night, when they don't exist! We went to this club way out of the city which all the flyers for say there a bus which goes there and takes 20 minutes. When we got to where it was meant to leave there was a guy who'd been waiting for a while and there'd been no sign of the bus. We just jumped in a taxi but still assumed the one running back would be okay. The place was really far and the taxi cost 50 euros and when we got to the club the staff just said the bus wasn't running that day without any reason. Getting a taxi at 6am way out in the mountains was not easy and then that was a another 50. club wasn't really worth it at all either. I was definitely saying boo and not boo-urns.
  14. You're right nite jewel is much better. I don't actually like the neon hitch song that much I just came across both at the same time and thought I'd share. I put on Nadia Oh at a party last night and it didn't go down very well We were just about to go to a club and everyone had been putting on cool techno tracks and i tried to keep the dancing going to "Jump (out the window) but it didn't really work.
  15. Long hair is alex, short hair is jade. and yeah, GET AN AVATAR!
  16. My avatar is a picture of the two members of pop sensation Oh My! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEd6VjOlM2g
  17. Little Green, this thread may be of use to you. http://www.aberdeen-music.com/threads/things-you-should-know-about-aberdeen-music.51063/
  18. Forum lesson no.1 : no one actually gets anything you just have to pretend you do so you look cool.
  19. FAO Little Green You should choose an avatar. And then tell us about it.
  20. I've already pushed my luck just by mentioning his name.
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