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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. you what? going to need more info on this.
  2. I haven't been hungover since the 1st and now for some reason I've given myself one the day I go back to work. I've had to crack into one of the hangover bottles of irn bru I took back from Scotland which is disappointing, they were meant to be untouched until next weekend. No idea why I'm up at 6am though.
  3. Man City to find Kinkladze at half time?
  4. Over now I guess. Bit boring but I don't mind I'm going out soon and wont see the second half anymore.
  5. Big Phil Jones is having an absolute stinker so far. Not as bad as Chris Foy though.
  6. De Gea's problems are things which can be sorted out easily and he should have no problem with by the time he reaches the age a goalkeeper would normally come of age. I assumed Ferguson thought this way too but this goalkeeper rotation is only going to slow his progress. Treated right and he should be their best keeper since Schmeichel.
  7. Never a red. I normally support being tough on dangerous tackles but you can't send a player off for that. Anyone who says Lindegaard is better than De Gea is being an idiot.
  8. It was left empty for about 3 centuries after HMV moved out.
  9. They probably got to watch it yesterday, the cunts.
  10. Scholes is on the bench for United. My Word.
  11. If I'd heard it when I made this thread this definitely would be in the opening post
  12. Proud can fuck off. Superbass treadss a fine line between good and bloody annoying. Still not heard anything as good as her verse on Monster. Embedding disabled on the cocteau twins but it's obviously great.
  13. Jake's got to hit puberty first.
  14. I've been watching Party Down recently which has a grown up bill in it.
  15. I remember the days when I could get a bus into town for band practice at Toms and then after go along to the top of st. nicks and be certain of having a good time with that belt.
  16. Watched some Freaks and Geeks today. Top notch tv.
  17. Have you ever seen them live to offer a different opinion? Was it on this board I once drunkenly ranted about hating Heather Small? It was weird anyway. I don't hate her.
  18. Will you break into the old moshulu building tonight and search for his belt?
  19. I'd say that almost certainly every single liverpool fan is a big racist and the club should be put in the conference.
  20. Oldham being in Greater Manchester seems to be the reasoning.
  21. All the users on the liverpool forum (who weren't at the game or if they weren't around the incident) seem 100% sure they shouted "manc" and not "black".
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