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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. You should tell her that next time she comes in. "bit of work love and you could have a single with 60,000 youtube views!"
  2. It was always going to take something special to shift the Nadia Kruger pic. Tbh I'd always hoped it was be a Santa Nadia pic but that didn't appear. At this point I don't think there's any way they wont have one of my top 10 albums of 2012. Unless they don't release one
  3. Oh My! I've changed my avatar to a picture of Oh My!
  4. For a bit more Oh My! enjoy this good dirty dancer remix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZSxrb2rdzI
  5. Colorado woman punches, rubs her buttocks against $30 million painting http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45881755/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/#.TwXdUtQU12A
  6. I still love Lillian T though. One of the greats.
  7. He can't mean that. There's always way more than one here. Everyone's making points all the time. Shit points, but they're still being made.
  8. I know nothing about tattoos. It's just a strange and unfamiliar world to me. But Teabags seems to have a good point.
  9. Forgotten about that Malcom X comment, that was amazing.
  10. Sometime in season 4 i think there's a scene in the men's room in the homicide department. You can see in the background RAWLS SUCKS COCK written on the wall. Which I like to think of as a nice little reference to the season 3 moment
  11. Was it nae more of a severin special? Russel maybe did it too but Seve using his thigh definitely springs to mind first.
  12. From one page of one thread and that's with skimming the posts too long to read.
  13. No forum is more deluded, insane and just plain bizarre than Liverpool fan forum Red and White Kop. Seriously if you speak sense on that you get banned.
  14. I fucking love McNulty, even when he's being a cunt.
  15. The ending of season 3! And you still have all of season 4 to come. Lucky cunt.
  16. I like a bit of crystal castles. Not heard this version before though, good stuff.
  17. Flights and I shall do the Dirty Dancer dance routine!!!
  18. A new tattoo thread was just what this place needed.
  19. 2012: The year the Moorings goes pop and the world ends!
  20. The Howard goal http://soccer-portal.org/goal-of-the-day/7247-howard-goal-v-bolton.html
  21. Murrr will you send me £500 by paypal right now. I'm assuming you might be happy enough to do this for no reason right now. btw De Gea is excellent and should be playing every game for united.
  22. I've gone into Oh My! overdrive in the past couple of days. I even PAID for Dirty Dancer on itunes! They still only seem to have about 4 songs. Although a guy on another forum I use saw them live recently and said the unreleased stuff sounded just as good. I really like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzSXydznZyw This is ok but definitely their weakest I think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Oh1TnDwP0E
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