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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. So do you have an american parent(s) or something? Certainly makes it a lot easier.
  2. How easy / difficult is it to move to America? How'd it come about for you ca_gere, were you offered the job while you were still in Scotland?
  3. I was watching old football clips on youtube this morning. No shit pundits. It's better.
  4. Go Tiffany. The customer service world needs more like her. Although it was probably just the accent working again.
  5. Gary Cahill is a nutter. http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/293474/Gary-Cahill-puts-move-at-risk Chelsea have offered him 70k a week, that's more than Juan Mata gets! He's holding out for 120k!!! I hope he gets told to fuck off.
  6. it was pretty good but with a couple of shit bits.
  7. I sometimes put them in the sink. But we do have two sinks. Does this make a difference?
  8. I remember when I first got into Vonnegut and raced through as many of his novels as I could. What a great time. It's been a while since I read most of them so I may do some re-reading soon. Mother Night is of course fantastic.
  9. No one likes a boaster JB. You smellslikeheavenbigdickedcharmertwat.
  10. There are probably some girls who would label me with the second and third items on that list, so maybe not washing IS the key!
  11. So this guy stunk so bad he was an environmental health issue yet held such power over the opposite sex he appears to have had his pick of girls for casual encounters and long term relationships. I may need to ask him for some advice. Hopefully his advice is not to stop washing.
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/12/21/chicago-father-faces-abuse-charges-over-facebook-image-daughter-bound-with-duct/#ixzz1hBkD1Gmk
  13. The Spanish Apartment - French film about a guy who moves to Barcelona to study for a year and lives in a flat with 5 or 6 other people all from different countries. It was pretty decent and quite funny at times, especially in the second half when the english girl's obnoxious brother turns up to visit. I probably enjoyed it more just for being a film set where I live, it was quite cool being able to recognise the streets, bars they visit etc. In a generous mood I give it 8/10 Definitely worth a watch. Sister Act 2 - This was on bbc1 yesterday afternoon and I was quite bored so ended up leaving it on. I remembered enjoying it as a kid, in fact I may even have goen to the cinema to see it. And you know what as far as films about fake nuns saving inner city schools by forming a choir go, it ain't bad. Very cheesy but not a bad family film really. Still feeling generous 6/10 Point Break - This was on bbc1 too, late at night yesterday. Completely ridiculous film. I did sort of enjoy watching it at first but then it got really shit by the end. No more generosity 2/10
  14. Really? If you let me know where and what time I'll try and make it along.
  15. Your name makes me think of the band "The Enemy". That's very bad, you should change your name. I actually like the song though.
  16. I would have already started the thread but I've been having a real struggle finishing my top 10. There are just so many good ones it'll hurt to leave out.
  17. I'm looking forward to the new album from this lady out in february http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpKqQ8fsBQs
  18. Now the mum wont have learned her lesson. she'll just go through life thinking someone will be on hand with wet wipes whenever her nipper is vomiting. she needs to learn to be prepared.
  19. I have no stories involving relationships and sickness. I'm thinking it over whether this has more to do with my health record or my relationship record.
  20. I enjoyed my night a lot. Just spent the night at one friend's place but it was a lot of fun and I got to see a couple of people I haven't seen in a long time. Very drunk by the end but nothing to mad or anything to cause shame the following day.
  21. Flights, here's a new Oh My! song. Not as good as patrick swayze obviously but not much is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-Zt5SKjDdU
  22. Groundhog Day. you know it. 10/10
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