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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. My mum's just brought some irn bru to my bed and a cooked breakfast is on the way. Nothing could be more ace-ic right now.
  2. Blackburn have won at Old Trafford. LOL
  3. Season 4 is about halfway through right now.
  4. That'll teach you not to post on Aberdeen Music when you should be socialising and having fun.
  5. It's silly and pointless hyping yourself up to think New Year will be some special night if essentially you're just going out with the same people you normally would and going to usual place. Last year I went down to London and visited a group of friends I rarely get to see. The pub was expensive, crowded and played pretty crap music but I still had a great time just because I was enjoying being with my friends. If you care about having a good or memorable new year I think it's best to go away somewhere or do something you wouldn't normally.
  6. I could sky plus it I suppose. For old time's sake. This will be the first New Year I've spent in Scotland since 05/06 and that one was shit. Hope it's better tomorrow.
  7. Is Only An Excuse still worth watching? I haven't seen it in about 10 years probably.
  8. This site might be useful. http://www.altereglow.co.uk/club-and-rave-wear/?gclid=CK-q1NGpqq0CFUQMfAodtl1Fng#/perpage=9
  9. I bet the people who paid £40 are really happy.
  10. If you're going you should go for it 100%. No half measures.
  11. If I wait until tomorrow will I get in for a fiver at the door?
  12. Will you have glow sticks? I wouldn't mind spending new year at a rave in new york.
  13. Your post would have been much better without your final sentence. And also without your edit highlighting my spelling mistake!
  14. Looks like I've sorted going round to a friends flat up here who's having some people round. I'm happy with this. I don't think I was really up for the big party in Glasgow nor the megabus trip back on the 1st feeling like death.
  15. Hallmark should feature such an image on their valentines cards.
  16. I definitely love a bit of tomato sauce with a sausage roll.
  17. People make sausage rolls? You don't just go to Greggs?
  18. Shoulda clarterd it ah wi' sum red sass pal.
  19. Mackie is the ONLY player who could have scored that.
  20. Is there a way I can ignore one users posts in just one thread? Jake I'll happily read your thoughts on the latest episode of community but your food chat stinks. Stinks I tells you!
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