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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I believe I may have been drunkenly singing this at some point last Saturday.
  2. I still don't understand why Terry's case is being dealt with by the police and Suarez's is not.
  3. I was surprised by it too. Most shopping centres here are still closed every sunday but this one has decided it should never close ever so it can get all the money.
  4. A bit of debate going on about Fairy Tale of New York in Pet Hates at the moment. I say it's a great song and if you don't like it you're a mental bah humbugging scrooge. Anyway we all know most of them are shit but there are some good christmas songs. My vote for number 1 goes to
  5. My class lost the vast majority of matches through the year but the last day of term was always a "final" and we always won those much to the annoyance of the other class. Boys for the big occasion. Cron could have learned a thing or two from us.
  6. I finish work today too and then off until the 9th. I had thought I'd be going out for a couple of beers tonight but it seems that wont be happening now, because other people are rubbish. Anyway it's probably for the best, need to finish packing tonight and I can watch the football at home and not have a hangover at the airport tomorrow morning. Tomorrow I have the joys of a flight to Newcastle and then a train up to Edinburgh. Spending christmas eve and day at my auntie's in fife with my dad and his side of the family. This will be great because my auntie is great in the kitchen, much better than my mum. And my dad's side of the family drink much more too. The only downside is I'll have to go to the Dunfermline - St Johnstone match on Saturday. It's going to be shit and bloody cold isn't it? Up to Aberdeen on Boxing day for more merriment. Speaking of working on Christmas Day I have a friend who works in a Swatch shop in a shopping centre and she has work. Who the fuck pops out on christmas to buy themselves a new watch?
  7. I was being a little facetious. I know there was no consensus on the matter but those two contradictory points were made by different people who otherwise had the same argument. I certainly wouldn't want every decision going to a replay. I'd like the ref to have the ability to refer to video at any time he feels it would help him make the best decision and if the ref doesn't use the video for a decision that a team feels is wrong the team has a limited number of appeals to force a referral to video.
  8. According to the last page or two video replays would ruin would be a bad thing because it would take away the "fun" of arguing over referee decisions and it would be a bad thing because it wouldn't be conclusive and fans would still argue over refereeing decisions. ok. There are some decisions which are just so wrong they completely change and ruin games. Anything that can be done to eliminate these is a good thing. With these worst decisions there's not even any interest in arguing over them because they're just clear and can only go one way. The idea technology would stop the flow of the game is ridiculous, players crowding the referee already does that. Then there are the decisions which are close to call. People will always argue over the decisions of the referee but fans have to accept it is the opinion of the referee I just think it would be better if he based his opinion on seeing an incident twice or three time rather than once.
  9. Good song. Shouldn't fuck off. I've only heard it twice and not 316 times in the last week though.
  10. I love both Live and Let Die and The Man With The Golden Gun. The best two with Roger Moore.
  11. But the point is the decision is to be made by the officials and they could be better informed by watching a replay. Folk arguing about it down the pub for the next week is irrelevant.
  12. Didn't find the guy very funny but most of the songs are bad enough to be worthy of inclusion. A couple are just average though.
  13. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-s-daughter-pays-record-sum-for-nyc-pad.html
  14. I felt that might be the case but I just couldn't be bothered looking.
  15. http://www.ronwinter.tv/drums.html
  16. There's still the big surge of christmas day deaths. Victory is far from certain for all of you.
  17. Last flights I've taken (none with BA fwiw) it's been recommended to arrive 2 hrs before and last boarding time is about 40 mins before. Even though they never board on time if I arrived at the airport 40 mins before boarding I wouldn't expect to get on the plane. I'd try and be very pissed off at the time but mostly with myself for arriving too late.
  18. It's shit but they do tell you to arrive a certain amount of time before departure.
  19. I watched Bad Santa with some hungover friends yesterday. I'd not seen it before but it was a good Sunday watch at this time of year.
  20. The part which annoys me most about this is the wink. She didn't think she had to hide her racist attitude, she assumed the next white guy in the shop would feel the same.
  21. I have no idea who you're all talking about.
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