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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. The Field album is great. Didn't get a big load of listens from me though.
  2. Fuck you fizzy juice wanker! I'm havin me holidays.
  3. Can we still eat lots of food?
  4. Typed out the artist - title, highlighted it. Clicked insert/edit link. Pasted the address, clicked insert and bingo.
  5. He'd love it there. I've lived in both cities. Barcelona ain't got no shopping centre the size of the bull ring. He'll be amazed.
  6. To be fair I don't think Capdown at Lava was the top spot for a recently out of the closet young man. However there were quite a few let's get the attention of the boys by kissing another girl girls around.
  7. Doubt the player could resist the marketing and headline opportunities to be honest.
  8. If we're getting all sentimental and serious I have a couple of friends who I might nominate. But hopefully we're not and I'll say Nadia Oh for having the best halloween costume.
  9. The player or the club for missing out on a big signing?
  10. You should get married so she can stay.
  11. They're al shit at football judging on that game.
  12. I've enjoyed marca this week. first they rate cron 1/10 and then the villa villa story.
  13. David Villa has broken his leg and will be out for 6 months.
  14. What's going on? People defending Bono? I thought it was just accepted he was a cunt without ever having to list reasons why. Geldof's alright.
  15. If I ever go to new york there's no way I'm getting in a taxi that isn't yellow.
  16. Yeah how dare they protest. We should make it illegal and send the army in to beat them.
  17. There's an albums thread so why not a songs one. Here's ten from me in no order. (limited to one per artist) (winner of the great song from a disappointing album award) Nadia Oh - Taking Over The Dancefloor PJ Harvey - The Words which Maketh Murder
  18. So can you not just walk out a door wave your hand and have a taxi stop immediately? Of course this never happens if you are in a real hurry for something.
  19. Alol-Sadd Amazingly shit for the first goal.
  20. I liked Youth in Revolt. Arrested Development gives a free pass to everyone in that show to be as shit as possible for the rest of their careers. It's so great.
  21. It went to shit a bit earlier than you think.
  22. I think TV is right for the early phases of a hangover day. However come that time later on at night when I start feeling a bit odd about not having left the house or maybe even spoken to anyone since i got up and although it may be late I wont be going to sleep because I still only woke up 6 hours ago, then a film seems to fit the bill. Fwiw I had already watched 3 or 4 episodes of The Shield that day before I wanted a film.
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