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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Hugh Jazz knows what's up. Look at his Phil Jones av.
  2. Yeah I can't live up to that. Before I had Don Draper for quite a while and I may look a bit more like him than Nadia but I'm sure I'd still a disappointment compared to him. I should get an ugly avatar.
  3. I'm not sure if that's a gift. It would change everything. Like the time I saw a picture of nef c on here and realised he wasn't ainsley harriot, or even black!
  4. If for some reason I ever meet you, you will have to wear a picture of him as a mask. You've had that avatar so long I just can't accept you looking like anything else.
  5. I can't be the only one that expected a different end to this sentence.
  6. When I wrote this I was 100% sure Jake would like this post, and he has. It was a complete open goal. If anyone wants to boost their like count all you have to do is make a few shit related jake quips and you're away.
  7. Experience of reading aberdeen music.
  8. I bet you're sitting there with a smug grin on your face every time you let one go aren't you?
  9. I was going for the more literal interpretation that with jake involved it would be actual shit. and that jake's shit is very sticky.
  10. So Jake's persistence finally paid off and you invited him over?
  11. Still only listened to the Bon Iver album once and really don't have any urge to listen again. Kinda strange I loved For Emma so much, I guess it's just a bit out of sync with my 2011 tastes. Or maybe it's just rubbish. The Araabmuzik album has been getting a lot of play the last week. I really love it, I would happily have it as my no 1 of the year, It just can't replace Nadia. I should have two number ones, or it could be 1.5. I could listen to this all day long. Just so lovely
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBrsM_WlfV8
  13. I think I listened to more new albums this year than any year before. I probably heard about 60 or 2011 releases which was a bit too much to really appreciate properly especially as I would still listen to older albums too. You get people who listen to one or two hundred new albums a year and I have no idea how they do it.
  14. Riding Giants it is. I will probably have to consult this thread again very soon so some of the other recs may get watched too.
  15. I've spent the whole day in bed and just finally mustered the energy to nip down to the shop and buy some junk food, now I need a film to watch. I want to watch something I've not seen before but wont test my brain too much. For some reason the few I have downloaded that I've not seen are all foreign with subtitles, certainly not what I'm after right now. I will choose one film from any responses I get in the next half an hour.
  16. You should have made it a top 17! The only things I've heard in the top 10 are PJ Harvey and Pains of being pure at heart which are both good.
  17. I enjoyed their debut back in the day never bothered with the others. However they certainly don't come close to Kasabian on the terrible stakes. Can't stand their music. Anyway at 14 your sister should be listening to Justin Bieber or Jessie J or some shit.
  18. So Friday and Saturday were good, today's been a complete wash out. Not moved from my bed since I got up. I'm hungry and thirsty but just haven't been able to muster the energy to move yet. I did use the time to finish The Shield which I'd been needing to do for ages so that's one positive.
  19. 14 year old girl in having bad music taste shocker!
  20. Losing my wallet. Fucking shite.
  21. Lunch was good. I had various types of sausage. And then took some take away bottles of cava to the beach. Now I'm nicely buzzed ready for footy and clubbing later.
  22. Jake is right. It was brilliant. And that ending scene was definitely the best bit about this weeks.
  23. And it looks like I'm going to one of my favourite places for lunch. Food: A variety of greasy meat sandwhiches. Drink: Cava, only cava. Ace.
  24. I was out for dinner with friends at a good tapas restaurant, then out for a few drinks and a little bit of dancing afterwards. There's a temporary ice rink in the main square just now and some friends want me to go today but I hate ice skating so I'm going to do my best to avoid it. Clasico tonight then there's some DJ's playing at a club my friend wants to see so I'll probably be going to that and most likely get home very late in quite a state.
  25. Did people really get on with it any more 10 years ago than they do now? I think it's just that moaning and complaining is more public and shared now, which I agree is annoying itself.
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