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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Probably the worst player for them to lose right now. I can't see them keeping so many clean sheets now. The attack better find their rhythm again.
  2. I first read it with out the "do" and thought he meant bands that don't pick fights.
  3. Kenny Dalglish questions Wayne Rooney's Euro 2012 ban appeal http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/16086553.stm Kenny is so ridiculous at the moment.
  4. For some reason I'm also very irked by Hurricane Bawbag becoming the semi-official name for this. How on earth did it become more than a non-funny comment by some teenager on twitter?
  5. Thanks for clearing that up. My flatmate has a ps3 and PES2011 which is now old and apparently not the game of choice these days. I've not tried to play online yet though just against real people in the same room as me.
  6. United were very good at the start of the season but I think the 8-2 built them up to an unrealistic level, the score had as much to do with Arsenal being loltastically bad at the time.
  7. I only recently realised that people pay for online gaming with ps3 and xbox. Always assumed it was free. It should be free. If I was to ever want to get whipped at fifa by a 9 year old chinese boy I wouldn't want to pay for the experience.
  8. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/dec/08/champions-league-press-review-basel I love that. Results like this are what make football so bloody brilliant.
  9. Nothing hipster about making manly slide tackles Give me that over call of duty (or black ops or whatever else the world is playing just now) any day.
  10. The disallowed Ajax goals were an absolute joke.
  11. It should have been. I bet the behind the scenes drama was incredible.
  12. What's that? A film version of this? Sure it could get tense but I don't think I'd cry in public over it.
  13. Homer: There's no record of a hurricane ever hitting Springfield. Lisa: Yes, but the records only go back to 1978 when the Hall of Records was mysteriously blown away.
  14. You should go see Hugo. I'm very interested in seeing it after the good reviews. Not out here yet Owl, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0149261/
  15. Spirited Away - I'm guessing most people know about this. 9/10 Good shit.
  16. Great to see Italy having a real strong presence in the tournament again. I hope Napoli avoid Barca and Real and are get a real shot at making the quarters.
  17. The Champions League couldn't have gone any better this week. United got what they deserved. They've been very very poor through this whole group stage. Even in the two victories against Otelul they failed to convince.
  18. These 3 all made good first impressions on me but for whatever reason didn't keep drawing me back. They all probably deserve more listens.
  19. I like Leeds. Only spent a few days there but it seemed decent. And it was very easy to get out in the country for a good walk and stop off for an ale at a proper pub. That pub was as proper as it gets.
  21. I wont argue against the annoyance of travelling across very large cities. It's the thing which most puts me off living in a very large city like London. However I think that's a different argument. It's one reason I'm so happy where I am now. The centre is compact enough so that I can walk or cycle anywhere or maybe take a short metro jouney if I'm in a hurry but I find there is more to interest me than in Aberdeen.
  22. I'm not saying there isn't stuff to do but it's blatantly obvious that generally larger cities have more to do. I don't know how anyone could argue otherwise really.
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