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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Ginola in the studio. What a dude. Love that guy.
  2. Romeu is starting again in place of Mikel which is good to me. Apparently Luiz has been in great form today and people who saw him say he was much better last year for Porto.
  3. It is bad but at least I know it's only for a short time and I'm on holiday, not getting up to go to work at 7am or anything. Didn't bother me last year that much although I was lucky and missed the really extreme conditions.
  4. The Roots – Undun on spotify half the tracks aren't available in Spain though, not sure if they will be in the UK.
  5. Brutal. There's no fucking way I'm going outside if there's anything like that at all when I'm back.
  6. Lovenkrands is stil alive! Totally forgot he existed.
  7. I think you can win too. If I had to bet money I'd put it on a draw though.
  8. Didn't it get as low as -20 last year or something? Anything that bad yet? Think I need to buy a new scarf. And some gloves. I always lose my scarves
  9. The Newcastle defence has certainly been great this season. Surely in part due to them playing pretty much the same back 4 plus keeper in every game. With more rotation happening these days you don't see as many back lines who really understand and work well with each other as you used to. That's what Jonathan Wilson was saying the other day anyway and I trust him, on everything.
  10. He wouldn't do that. It was probably someone dressed up as him trying to ruin his reputation. Frank wouldn't do anything wrong ever. I'm interested to see what our starting line-up will be today.
  11. Terry still has the ability to be great but he needs the right partner, especially when playing high up the pitch. Terry and Carvalho at their best is probably the best defensive pairing the premiership has seen in the last few years. Rio and Vidic in top form were pretty impenetrable too though. Defeders are all shit these days compared to 10-15 years ago anyway.
  12. Also I wont hear a bad word against Lamps. He's a top bloke, up there with Becks in that aspect.
  13. Who know's if Roman is actually thinking about it, it's only media talk at the moment. I don't like what happened with Ancelotti any more than you do. I really wanted him to stay. However I think that is the only managerial decision I think he can really be questioned on. Otherwise as a fan I'm very happy with his ownership of the club. I'd certainly take him over most of the other super rich owners who have acquired clubs in the last few years. AVB was appointed in june. I think the failure to land some of their targets has had a bigger effect than being appointed late.
  14. What is the weather like in Aberdeen at the moment? Wasn't it about this time last year the city descended back into the ice age? I spent most of last December really worried about getting back home for christmas. Made it back okay despite loads of delays making it a super long day of travelling.
  15. Hope Chelsea win today. I really hope AVB gets the chance to change the team and get it working how he wants and a win today would really help ease the media pressure on him and be a great boost ahead of the Valencia match. I'm going to Camp Nou tonight. Barca against Levante. After their great run coming to an end with a couple of defeats they could have gone into a real slump but a 4-0 last week ended those worries. They should give Barca, who will be anxious to find get a good performance ahead of next week's el clasico, a good challenge.
  16. List season is upon us. I've only been to a couple of gigs this year but I did get to a a day of Primavera Sound and a night at sonar. 1. Cut Copy at Sonar was absolutely incredible, definitely the best live performance I saw this year. 2. PJ Harvey, at primavera. The brilliant Let england shake had recently been released and she performed most of wonderfully here. 3. Animal Collective, again at Primavera. A group I'd wanted to see for ages. They mostly played new material from next year's album but it all sounded good and I was drunk and I danced, nothing more is necessary. 4. Florrie a couple of weeks ago. I was very excited about this gig and it didn't disappoint at all. Except that the only one of her officially released songs she didn't play was one of my favourites. 5. The Horrors on thursday. I'm not a big fan of theirs but a friend asked me to go along. They were very good and I'll probably give more time to their albums now.
  17. Dean and Chang shouldn't be in all the episodes. I don't mind one or two characters having small roles in an odd episode if it's for the benefit of the story. Much better than trying to squeeze them in with pointless scenes.
  18. That was the best bit I thought. Episode overall was p good but still a downward step from the previous one.
  19. The christmas lights on my street are fucking shit. They shouldn't be on anyway. Haven't seen any on anywhere else in the city yet.
  20. I was drunk when I read your last post but it definitely made me think you were a girl. I'm not going to go back and find my mistake now though. I'll just forget it all ever happened.
  21. Shouldn't be a problem qualifying from that group for England. The biggest issue is surely finishing first in order to avoid Spain in the quarters. This is assuming Spain win their group of course. Germany - Holland is the stand out group stage fixture.
  22. I'm excited about the draw for the Euros this evening. Once it's done I'll be able to make a wall chart and predict all the matches of the tournament. Hope England don't get a piss easy stroll of a group. i.e. I hope they get Spain or Holland from pot 1 and at least one decent team from the lower two pots. And I hope there's at least one mega group of death, which would probably involve Germany being in a group with Spain or Holland too.
  23. Didn't know about that, that's pretty cool. Even more impressive considering all the personnel changes that have gone on at the club. It can't be just one coach who has taken a shine to him, there must be a general belief that he's worth it. Would be a fantastic story if he manages to make it into the first team.
  24. Agreed, except I don't care about her piano player either.
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