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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. They actually move away from that quite quickly.
  2. Game in Germany called off 40 mins before kick off after the ref tried to commit suicide. Bloody hell.
  3. RVP is just the man at the moment. Arsenal would be no where this season without him. Hopefully this City - Newcastle match doesn't disappoint.
  4. If they don't it's definitely the film's fault, not the song.
  5. http://www.inflexwetrust.com/2011/11/18/ifwt-exclusive-young-jeezy-ft-andre-3000-jay-z-i-do/
  6. Pure Shores, Jake. It was the inspiration for the thread!!
  7. Yeah I saw that but I don't want a greatest hits. Don't like them. I will listen to the album you suggested though.
  8. Since they're often I mentioned in here I thought I'd use this thread to ask. As someone who has never listened to Guided by Voices, which one album would you recommend that I get to start me off. Mainly looking at GbV super fan soda jerk here but suggestions from anyone are welcome. They've always been a band I thought I should listen to eventually and they've been announced for Primavera next year which I plan on going to so it seems like a good time to start.
  9. A guy I know interviewed Clarence Seedorf yesterday. Top bloke apparently. Clarence doesn't always get as much recognition as he deserves imo. Probably because of his girls name.
  10. Another song from the new Black Keys album. http://www.listenbeforeyoubuy.net/listen/listen-the-black-keys-run-right-back/ Can't wait for it.
  11. White dreads are always bad news
  12. The only question is, do you like it. Nothing is more questionable than that.
  13. Really can't put into words my dislike for that episode. Just demonstrates so much that is wrong with modern simpsons.
  14. Even though Paime had no opinion on Florrie his post did mean that the three video I posted were posted again which makes him welcome in my book. I was getting some stick from some friends tonight after going on about how much I like Girls Aloud and Kesha. Bastards. They're all no bueno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpVWDkedtrY
  15. I've decided that I had it right with this one. It really is a magical feeling relaxing and letting fly after a long period of anguish.
  16. Sorry Jake. This is THE WORST episode of The Simpsons ever. I feel sick just thinking about it.
  17. but at least it's still not in fucking wales.
  18. I assume that these days Aberdeen is a mad max like wasteland that only pulls itself together to resemble some sort of viable place to live when I make visits back.
  19. I felt so proud of myself that night. Quite embarrassed the next day but now it's all in the past it's the sense of pride that really remains. It was no half-hearted measure either. I didn't settle for the most recent post in every thread on page one of general discussion but the most recent in each gen discussion sub forum too. In general though tipsy posting > totally smashed posting.
  20. You fatcats didn't finish your plankton! Free Food!
  21. It does mean I will see your boss' son tomorrow night. I wonder if I can find a piece of cardboard big enough to write on "Hello son of the boss of Paime from Aberdeen-Music message board". and sneak it past security.
  22. Well there probably isn't much else going on in Swansea.
  23. I don't think it really works when the show is just trying to be funny all the time but when they write good stories and make you care about the characters it becomes very good viewing.
  24. Yeah I imagine season 1 puts a lot of people off continuing. Season 3 is pretty much perfect and should be watched by all.
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