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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Wine is at it's best when drunk hungover the afternoon following a big night out.
  2. Everyone needs to stop whining! i know that was bad
  3. Is there any way I can like Matt's post 500 times? I laughed all the way through both of those. MattJimF I will be forever grateful to you for introducing this man to me.
  4. Whistling is shit. Because I can't do it. I really know very little about wine, almost nothing actually. It's only in the last few years I've drunk it much but even a year or so ago when asked what type of wine I had been drinking I answered "red" with no clue he was looking for something a little more specific. Thankfully living in a wine producing country means it is quite easy to find something decent at quite a cheap price. There's plenty of 2 or 3 euro bottles I'll happily drink.
  5. Knowing that is not going to stop it pissing me off.
  6. I hope you'll cherish it for the rest of your life.
  7. Well our side would snap our fingers the other lot would probably be rubbing their palms up and down their thighs.
  8. Wanting something that tastes half decent is okay, that wasn't what I really meant by wine snobbery. It's that some people who really get into wine and do all the sniffing and swirling and analysing flavours blah blah sometimes act that regular folk aren't worthy of good wine because they don't "understand" it. Also I believe that there are loads of people who just pretend to know what they're talking about by copying something they saw / heard on tv. I also hate it when you see a wine glass that's the size of a football served with thimble's worth of wine in it. Just give me a normal glass and serve it up to the top!
  9. Who knew coffee would become such an explosive issue? I can't understand why anyone would get so worked up over it as that guy Flight's encountered in the supermarket. It's just as annoying as wine snobbery.
  10. Two gangs are forming. We can have big super fights in car parks. However in the end the two groups will be brought to together as me and flights overcome the differences of our respective groups through our love of catchy pop music. Ab-music's very own west side story. Now, anyone got Ben Elton's number?
  11. Who the hell is that dickhead and why does he exist?
  12. I've never found shooting stars funny.
  13. My name is paranoid android and I do not work in any coffee selling institution.
  14. Deadwood is fantastic, absolute top notch stuff. And the answer is the wire. It's always the wire.
  15. The Knife, they should be right at the top of my lists.
  16. Discussions about discussions about coffee.
  17. Well it doesn't bother me really but I can understand why their fans are upset. Whereas before I was kind of suggesting they didn't have any reason to be annoyed.
  18. The other day when I was saying that Mike Ashley wasn't that bad for renaming the stadium I was completely wrong, wasn't I? Dunno what I was thinking. After thinking about it and hearing the issue discussed in various places over the past few days I realise that I was as Murr put it, way off the mark. It's clearly a dick move anyway you look at it. I think my natural instinct to enjoy toon army suffering took over and blinded me to my own view on the matter. Confession over, hope I'm absolved of all sins.
  19. That Beyonce song really is great. And there hasn't been enough Britney in this thread, if any actually. There was a period earlier in the year when I just couldn't get this song out of my head. Kesha was one of the writers which explains why I like it so much.
  20. I'm going to identify beer as the prime culprit but chocolate has been an influential accomplice.
  21. I watched the first leg hoping it would be good and it was shit. No tonight the goals are flying in.
  22. I hate how I suddenly felt so comfortable after just undoing my belt and top button on my jeans. In need of a bit more exercise i think.
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