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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. http://www.nme.com/news/ed-sheeran/78505 Ed Sheeran named most powerful figure in black and urban music. Aren't his songs all Damien Rice style soppy folk pish?
  2. Busquets is maybe the only player from the recent Barca team who was under rated even when the team was at their best and they were getting praised by everyone constantly.
  3. They are after Marquinhos from PSG and Mathieu from Valencia. Apparently both deals are quite likely to happen.
  4. They had a frightening attack last season too. I don't think it's the area of the pitch the needed to address. However I am quite excited to see how they do set out and play next season anyway. And you're right the prospect of those three playing well together is very exciting. For whatever reason I don't think they ever really managed to play how Martino wanted them to last season, not well anyway. Even when winning they often lacked a fluidity that was so vital to them in previous season.
  5. Didn't they normally play them in a front two with suarez deeper than Sturridge. I don't see point in signing Suarez to play him out wide. They also want to sign Cuadrado who plays wide right.
  6. Just ahead of her time. If there's any justice in the world some label will rediscover "colours" in the future and finally give it a physical release and it will get all the acclaim it deserves.
  7. I still don't understand why they've signed Suarez. I can't work out who's going to play where.
  8. Nadia Oh seems to be working at her mum's salon as a nail stylist now and playing netball in her spare time. All hope for new music seems dead
  9. Based on what I saw tonight and what I heard about the first leg it is a little embarrassing Scotland's rating has fallen so low we enter in the same round as teams like that. You can't ask for anything more from the players though. job well done.
  10. Has Flights just stopped posting here?
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28237622
  12. Thanks for the heads up. I couldn't find any way to watch the first leg so wasn't going to bother looking this time.
  13. Mate if you're going to point that out to him, you're going to have A LOT of work ahead when you read some of his longer posts.
  14. It seems more pointless than usual this time round as both sides playing it were really only interested in 1st. Some times in the past there's been a team or two who find idea of getting third rather than fourth appealing. In 98 Croatia had achieved beyond anything they expected getting there and Suker wanted the golden boot outright. 2002 had South Korea and Turkey who both again hadn't expected to be there and were happy to play another world cup match.
  15. Second half wasn't as good but Extra time is going to be TENSE.
  16. Fantastic match so far. Idiot pundits think it's boring because there's been no goals of course. As entertaining as the tournament has been there haven't been many matches between two quality well organised sides.
  17. There's a woman I work with who is a uefa qualified coach.B licence I think. She has taught a lot of kids and worked with a lot of clubs in England. Today I overheard her saying to someone that Brazil lost because they didn't care enough, had no fight and no heart. I din't say anything but to me it's pretty obvious that those things are all some Brazilian players did have. This is only one anecdote but I find it funny / worrying that someone teaching English youngsters can't spot the obvious tactical and organisational causes for the defeat and jumps straight to the conclusion that they needed to fight more. I may also just be posting this because she annoyed me a bit today and this a way of moaning about her. Anyway almost game time. I hope this one is still competitive in an hour's time.
  18. https://twitter.com/piersmorgan/status/486597297824747520
  19. quite glad that the plan for a"punk" album was shelved. More synth pop please.
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