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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. England could perhaps get Spain in the group stage though, or other very tough teams. Don't get why they're playing Jones in midfield tonight though. If he plays in the euros it'll be in defence not midfield. This is quite amusing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnM0ju2Oij4
  2. Finding something you thought you had lost.
  3. Anyone think England have got a chance today? Of all the bigger nations England must be the worst equipped to combat Spain's possession game. Spain have been a bit up and down since the WC though so there's always a chance. However I think it will be 2-0 Spain with the victory actually being a lot more comfortable than scoreline suggests.
  4. That's harsh, he's one of the best passers of the ball sideways under 5 yards in the country.
  5. FIFA are always idiots but as far as I've followed this story the FA have been a lot worse this time. FIFA didn't ban the poppy they just have a rule which has existed for a long time. England have played over 30 matches in previous years in the week of 11th November and never requested to have a poppy on the shirts before. The chat on Football Weekly on Thursday about it was spot on. You have to think that it's just an obvious attempt to divert attention from other matters. Cameron got stuck in for the same reason. The whole thing is a lot less dignified than the poppy appeal should be.
  6. Completely fallen in love with this song all over again.
  7. For Jake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XM2Hfmi1n8
  8. The moment when you realise that your hangover has gone and you feel normal again.
  9. This post got my 200th like. Sex can do one, this is the best feeling full stop.
  10. Finally getting to a place you can pee after long long period of being feeling like you are about to burst.
  11. It's really a question for a paedophile to answer but I don't really want to go down that internet road.
  12. Someone liking one of my posts on here. It's what I live for.
  13. Your football team scores a late winner in an extremely important match.
  14. It's all okay, she's smiling and happy now everything will be perfect. Odd question though which has just popped into my head about these pictures circulating on paedophile sites. She had ridiculously large breasts for a 14 year old. Which made her look older than she was. Would that not be a turn off for a paedophile? Surely it defeats the purpose of looking at photos for them. They want to see young childlike bodies don't they?
  15. The last of those Gob pics did get a lol from me.
  16. and not just once either, continuously throughout the whole piece.
  17. Nice interview with Xabi Alonso http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2011/nov/11/xabi-alonso-spain-england-interview Most interesting for this comment
  18. The FA have done something quite remarkable over the last week, they've actually managed to make the sight of a poppy piss me off. How mental they've all gone this year is just bizarre. I don't understand it at all.
  19. http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/hacking-victim-becomes-web-sex-star-27224305.html The report talks about how bad it was these photos became public and yet they show loads of them on scree and then give a step by step guide on how to find them
  20. So Ireland are through. Estonia have been pumped.
  21. Stripey and Zombiemunch were both very entertaining.
  22. Seems like the band isn't over http://thequietus.com/articles/06353-sonic-youth-ponder-writing-new-lp
  23. Not as good as Kenny Miller. Smashing goal.
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