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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I haven't heard any of their albums so I can't judge. But you do get a whole lot more of these anniversary re-issues these days and often they seem pointless. Things like the Pavement special editions where you get mountains of extra stuff is good though.
  2. The idea of people listening to Slipknot these days is a little weird to me. I associate them so much with the lsat couple of years of school.
  3. The time for Murphy to get a call up has passed. He's on his way out. Jol's already making the changes so Fulham don't rely on him so much.
  4. Oh right, Slipknot make films now too?
  5. What the hell are GOAT and IOWA?
  6. Goodman's face is pretty brilliant in general. Not that it's a face I'd particularly like for myself.
  7. I guess some of the play offs could be interesting but really I couldn't care about the international break at all. Although seeing England get some rings run around them by Spain will be fun. Bad timing too. After a busy spell I have absolutely nothing planned for that weekend. It would have been perfect for a weekend crammed with football.
  8. The most amazing thing you'll see this weekend
  9. http://stereogum.com/869981/lana-del-rey-debuts-off-to-the-races/video/
  10. A lot of people going mad about the new A$AP Rocky mixtape. I haven't listened to it yet though, except a couple of tracks once. Anyway you can play / download it here. http://www.livemixtapes.com/mixtapes/15168/asap_rocky_liveloveaap.html The opening track, which does sound very good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIcMiWHiUm4
  11. I've heard some of the remixes, not the whole album. There were some very good ones but for whatever reason I haven't felt much of an urge to listen to them all.
  12. Have the x-certs written a better song than "Why Do You" yet?
  13. Not TKOL related, quite the opposite in fact. But thought I'd use this thread anyway. A song from Radiohead's 1986 demo (under the On A Friday name) has just appeared on youtube.
  14. It was probably a good idea the first time. Since then it has been awful.
  15. Being the visionary that he is, he may have been able to warn Liverpool off of Gillett and Hicks.
  16. Only you can answer that question. Look deep inside your soul. You'll find the answer.
  17. He probably had the theme song written already
  18. The music in Treme is consistently great. The show is good too and gets better in the second season imo, so you've got a lot to look forward to.
  19. Are those quotes real? Absolutely amazing if they are.
  20. New P+R was really great too. Maybe the best of this season.
  21. I'm hearing a lot of good things about Tin Tin. Want to see it.
  22. I like all the characters so far really. Which is good. I imagine I'll get through the seasons quickly. Last night's community was good. Probably my second fave of the season after the alternate realities episode. Not watched P+R yet.
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