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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Fuck off rangers. Great first half in Chelsea - Arsenal. GNev just went on a mad rant about shit defending too.
  2. oops. I guess it will be on Monday when it's officially released in the UK. Strangely I can play all the album but not some of the out takes from the second disk.
  3. So it's actually already out, at least in some places. It's also already on spotify The Beach Boys – The Smile Sessions It sounds amazing, much better than bootlegs and patchwork versions (like purple chick) that were already out there. Surf's up is just perfect.
  4. Sort yourself out, there should be no hate for it, only love.
  5. Thanks for the recommendations. Will check them out.
  6. Season 2 chang was good too but there was signs of the decline that has hit him this season (so far).
  7. Hated that episode and really didn't like his story line at all. If they use Chang sparingly he could still be good but I don't want loads of him in every episode. I liked the season 1 chang much more than the character he is now.
  8. chang's shit now. No surprise the last two episodes have been much better since he's not been in them (bar a minor scene in the new one).
  9. Just realised he's playing a gig here pretty soon too. Might go along.
  10. Anybody with a banging chorus involving Patrick Swayzee should really.
  11. I think you were told it's too early!! Similar to you, my early impressions are very good but I haven't really got to know it well enough to say how it compares. To have releases of this standard within the same year is impressive though.
  12. Terry has played alongside so many black players at Chelsea I'm sure we'd have heard something about him being a racist before now if he really was.
  13. I too Ferdinand would come out and say something too. Evra was shouting as loudly as he could that Suarez racially abused him but the papers forgot about it after a couple of days. Sure he can be a dick but the fact it was Terry definitely seems to be driving the media's agenda with this.
  14. Then why did I have the bowl Bart, why did I have the bowl???
  15. I'm not saying I disagree but I want to see a manifesto before removing my bum from this fence.
  16. I'm not that messy. I actually like things quite clean. I've just been a bit lazy lately and been quite busy at the weekends.
  17. My old flat mates were mental about cleaning. They fucking loved to mop. Crazy. I should pull my weight here because it's a lot better than the last place. I haven't lived in a place with an iron for almost 3 years.
  18. I do my dishes. I'm not that messy. I just haven't much mopping etc And I haven't been able to return to the bowling alley since my unique marketing strategy to gain more customers failed
  19. Have you listened to his new EP?
  20. Of course. Although the one doing the talking is a little annoyed at our other flatmate too, not just me.
  21. I think the disappointment comes from the fact it often isn't him that you actually end up seeing. Allegedly
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