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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Just now I'm going back to albums from this year I liked but didn't really give enough time to. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart for one. I liked it straight away but only gave it a couple of listens. Given it 2 spins* today and yeah it is pretty fantastic. Revisited the Bill Callahan and Mike Dehnert albums too. *Ok I didn't spin anything, I pressed a button on my ipod.
  2. The flatmate, "I think you should do a bit more of the cleaning" conversation.
  3. Why does Gladstone want Lucky Rathen to be Prime Minister?
  4. My god there are some inbred monstrosities in that video.Bloody amazing.
  5. Real Madrid are looking super at the moment. Just destroying teams early on and then coasting.
  6. That's a little bit more than me. It is bloody mental though. And they haven't just collapsed as soon as people started talking about them. Since they first went joint top they have one twice more needing wins to go back to the top and done it. Last year Villareal even when playing really well bottled it when they had a chance to go top on their own. Talking of them, they are super shit this year and Rossi has just got a serious injury. Relegation candidates.
  7. I wont argue with you about that chorus, it is bloody great. I think the catcall one is the best track overall and one i'm not likely to tire of. I could see me liking a whole album by her whereas Oh My! might be people who have occasional singles I really like.
  8. So this out on Monday and reviews so far have been great. I'm really looking forward to it now. Here's the track listing of the various versions being released since it hasn't been posted here already.
  9. It was actually actually very quiet from what I remember of being there in August. Out of student time though so that might not mean much.
  10. Speaking of that, what albums are people still awaiting for the last 2 months of the year? As well as the Black Keys I wont be making any top albums lists until I've heard the new albums from Thee Oh Sees and The Roots.
  11. It's absolutely brilliant. However when you first start it you may be left thinking very little is happening. It's really all about character rather a whole load of action. It hooked me quite quickly though. It's probably second only to The Wire in terms of drama series for me.
  12. unless he's posting on a female's facebook...
  13. There's a new Black Keys album out soon, which is very exciting since their awesome and they made one of last years best albums. First track to be heard from it. With a frankly brilliant video. The song is fantastic too.
  14. Shouldn't have done. No you've given in once, he'll probably be dropping the question mark next.
  15. Levante are still being ace, they beat Real Sociedad 3-2 tonight. Just seen the highlights, it looked like a cracking match. Sociedad went 1 up early then Levante battered them to no avail for the rest of the half. Breakthrough after the break and then get a second but then Sociedad came back and equalised with only a few mins to go. Then they had a great chance to win it. Finally Levante got a free kick in the 93rd minute. Ball smashed through the wall and into the bottom corner. The scorer (whose name I've already forgotten) went rightfully mental.
  16. And it gets better. Season 3 is amazing. Twin Peaks is great. I've only seen it once, which was about a year or so ago. The first season is close to perfect, second starts great but then has a big dip but thankfully comes back to it's best by the end.
  17. I think they used to a bit more. And the proper questions generally do i think.
  18. That fact that the above post was put up a few hours ago and it'd hadn't been liked before I came along is a crime. Amazing photoshop. (at least the thinking behind it)
  19. Awful film indeed. It would have been a lot better however if it was Kelly and not Jessie in it.
  20. Doubt it, bet you're both big plonkers.
  21. Makes sense, I didn't like any of those shows.
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