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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Scotland would not have beaten that team. It took Germany's ability to shatter their confidence and cause that meltdown. It's not just a case that without Silva their defence fell apart. That was important obviously but this Brazil team has basically been getting through this tournament on high emotion, the belief that they would win an incredible public support. Just look at how many players have been crying at every match, they were fragile as fuck all tournament. Germany attacked them in a way few teams could and suddenly everything they'd believed for the last few weeks and their whole world collapsed around them and they were thrown into a mad panic. There's not a chance in hell we would have done the same, we'd have lost 3-0.
  2. Wow, was that made by the hip hop equivalent of the company that let rebecca black's parents buy her a video?
  3. SEVEN! OOOFT! That was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in football. I was in shock when the fifth went it. Bloody loved it though. I couldn't give a fuck about a brazil - Argentina final when I get to see them humiliated like that. I do feel sorry for some of their players. They'll suffer a lot for a long time. Disappointed Klose got the record, he could have at least scored with the first attempt to round off a nice team goal.
  4. It should prove to be a great signing. I think he's very well suited to the premier league and he has the necessary experience to perform in the champions league too. I'd be very excited if I was an Arsenal fan.
  5. I was reading one of the Barca focused Spanish papers today and it said pretty much the same thing. He definitely wants to leave and he wants a move finalised as quickly as possible.
  6. Semi-final day! I've got mixed feelings about this one. My preferred final is Brazil - Argentina but I'd rather Germany won the whole thing than Brazil. I guess I can be quite happy whoever wins. Germany have to be favourites with Neymar and Silva missing.
  7. The shirt is fine but the chevrolet logo is terrible. Oh and speaking of legends https://twitter.com/TitiCamara22/statuses/486235993742520320
  8. The rules were all over the place and changed often I believe. Certainly having played competitive matches for one country didn't prohibit a player from playing for another country once he got citizenship. His period in Colombia and subsequent transfer is the most interesting transfer saga in history in my opinion. It's definitely worth reading up on. The Colombian league at the time was basically a rogue operation unsanctioned by FIFA and paying loads of dosh to get the world's best players. This lead to him playing in Colombia but his registration remaining with his club in Argentina. Barca and Madrid fought over him, both negotiating with different clubs claiming to own the player. Barca really were in the pole position to get him too, he even played a couple of training matches with them. It's amazing how much his eventual move to Madrid affected Spanish and European football history.
  9. Friday Night Lights - My enjoyment of this was undoubtedly affected by my love of the tv show. I spent the first half wishing the characters were those I was used to. I did get past that eventually and enjoyed it. However I do think the story worked better in the series format. 7/10
  10. I hope we get at least one stone cold classic out of the final 3 matches. Italy - Germany 2006 level. I think there's more chance of it coming from the Argentina - Netherlands match but probably only if Argentina score first.
  11. He played for Argentina, Colombia and Spain! He was worse than Costa! If you read any books about him, his team or that era in general you will find quite a few players from that period who will name him as the best ever. Above Pele, Cruyff, Maradona etc. It is a shame so little footage of the greats of the past exists.
  12. I think there's a very good chance of that. Boyd was so important for them last season.
  13. What was he doing? I've only seen brief highlights.
  14. My order of preference is Argentina > Germany > Brazil > Holland I think a Germany - Holland final is very likely but I would be disappointed by that. I want at least one South American side in it. It would seem inappropriate otherwise.
  15. Neymar is out of the tournament. Sad news whether you like Brazil or not.
  16. Remember that delboy post about scottish football which got loads of neg rep? Let's make this soda jerk post beat that record.
  17. His free kick was something very very special.
  18. I think Brazil were clearly the better side tonight. I wanted Colombia to win but Brazil played their best match of the tournament and Colombia didn't threaten enough. James Rodriguez should probably have been protected more though.
  19. Tattie scones? Haggis? Non-shit chocolate?
  20. France were quite French in that game.
  21. I should have written too tired probably. I do understand it, but it still boggles my mind. One piece of paper, to the moon. Incredible.
  22. Fantastic result. In so many ways it was a match where we only had something to lose and not win but 5-0 is superb.
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