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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. No. It's exactly what he would have got in the premiership without it ever going to a review board.
  2. Last night's community was brilliant. By far the best of the season. Hopefully it just had a slow start and this season can continue with great eps like this one. Now for Parks and Rec
  3. Good coffee is wonderful, although it took me most of my life so far to realise this.
  4. But I thought you said he was dead!! No, what I said was, he sleeps with the fishes, you see....
  5. I was watching some season 7 episodes the other day, including a fish called selma http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMnG3gOqigE No comedy will ever be as good as classic Simpsons. Just unbelievably good.
  6. If a holiday falls on a tuesday or thursday here that tends to happen too but the majority of holidays are fixed to a certain date so they will be on wednesdays sometimes or sundays when it doesn't make a difference at all.
  7. Public Holidays! Wednesday seems like a strange day for one, but it's been great, nicely splits up the work week. And even more ace-ic the weather was great and I spent the day on the beach. What wasn't ace-ic, was seeing some stupid girl who had come to the beach and sat next to the sea, and she was using her fucking mac! Fuck off to starbucks.
  8. Bit of random info stolen from Monday's Football Weekly; The baby which caused Bebeto's famous celebration in '94 is no longer a baby and has just signed for Flamengo! Makes me feel a little past it.
  9. Adam is right, it will be a 16 episode final season.
  10. Mr Burns: Compadres, it is imperative that we crush the freedom fighters before the start of the rainy season. And remember, a shiny new donkey for whoever brings me the head of Colonel Montoya.
  11. ha yeah I'm not sure I'll ever get used to him having this new name. Shame they didn't do anything together. They performed as Blackstar on the colbert report the other day.
  12. Will you make an appearance if I get Derek Acorah and his crew round to my flat? We can split the profits on any subsequent book deals.
  13. There'll be one of those Hitler in downfall parody videos. At the start he'll be upset by the news that flights has died but he'll be consoled by the fact that I at least got some points in the dead pool. Then Lucky Rathen will inform him that I didn't bother to enter a valid list and Hitler will go fucking mental.
  14. Something involving a flapsandwhich and another about heavy flow.
  15. only if I forget to enter a finished list!!!!!
  16. Might buy fifa 12 then. although I have no idea how much a new game costs these days, in the uk or over here.
  17. The titles of those alone are enough to make me scared of listening to them.
  18. Here's what I have so far for next year. How many more do I need? Soda Jerk Flights Scootray Stroopy Dubya Lucky Rathen Delboy Jake Bassist Nefarious c I have no morals. I hope you all die and I win the game.
  19. I'm out of the gaming loop completely. I always thought Pro Evo was considered the better one? Football games reached their peak with the International Superstar Soccer releases on the N64.
  20. I just moved from a football hating flat to a football loving flat. A big step up in the world. To make it even better here there's a playstation 3 with PES2011. I haven't played football games in years though and it turns out I'm rubbish now. You have to actually aim where you want the ball to go. Nonsense.
  21. Yeah it could be. I'd still bet on tv though if they have the rights.
  22. Since it says UK users only I imagine it will be live pictures.
  23. I'd never really listened to Katy B before. I'd always assumed she was terrible since she seems to get mentioned alongside total sacks of shit like Jessie J and Tinie Tempah. However I've been checking out some of her songs on youtube this morning and she's actually pretty decent. I especially like this one.
  24. I think I might go back and rewatch all the seasons again now. But I've also been feeling the need to do another Wire run, not sure which I'll do first.
  25. The only good thing about it really would be loads of people on the internet moaning about it forever.
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