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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Mike is an interesting one. I'm not sure if he did hate Walt but he's a very tough character to read. I wonder how long it will take for him to appear in the next season. Basically anything can happen. I think in the end it will be revealed that the whole story was Jesse dreaming while asleep in walt's chemistry class.
  2. I expect walt to go even further next season and now that Gus and most of the cartel are out the way I expect much of his conflict next season to be against people he is meant to be close to, Hank, Jesse, Skylar etc. I wouldn't be surprised if Walt's transformation completes with him killing one of those people. With the next season definitely being the last it will definitely be absolutely mental. Imagine what Jesse's reaction will be if he finds out Walt was behind the Brock poisoning and maybe even that he watched Jane die back in season 2.
  3. Jealous! Must have been fantastic. Was Talib just going on solo after him or were they going to perform Blackstar stuff together?
  4. I thought that bit with Gus was quite ridiculous and I didn't really like it to be honest. My reaction was more like, wtf he survived that's just stupid, oh no wait they've made him two face for a second and now he's dead. apart from that I did love the episode, a very good finale that leaves season 5 able to go into all kinds of directions. 4 was kind of a continuation of 3 and I expect 5 to have more fresh angles to it. I'm not sure how I'd compare this season to the others, it's hard since I watched all the others in a quick burst and this one I've been going week to week. I don't think I got quite as excited and on edge this season as in 2 or 3 but the writing and acting etc was top notch as always. Jesse was especially great this year. There's some jumbled thoughts thrown together.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfhF5Epk0ec
  6. ok, that picture has to be a piss take, right? please say so.
  7. New Jay Electronica. sadly on first listen it's not too impressive. OK but not on the level of many of his other tracks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9h4i7ZSv4w
  8. She needs to stay as far away from Will.i.am as possible for starters. At least Nicola's album has turned out well. It's very very good.
  9. 50 posts per page? That's absolute madness. 20 is the optimal number.
  10. http://www.nme.com/news/cheryl-cole/59703 Oh dear, is there anyway this wont be awful??
  11. No, it would have been best if he'd filmed it and then posted it on the internet.
  12. All hope lies with Lithuania. I expect them to be winning up until a Czech equaliser in the final minutes.
  13. The Simpsons are helping me right now.
  14. Still not perfect today. Can't wait to just get through work and then get through to tomorrow.
  15. Back to a topic of a few days ago, hangover paranoia and anxiety. Today has been horrible. I've been on edge and jumpy and generally uncomfortable being alive since I woke up. And I still have to see my flatmate to apologise for taking friends back and making lots of noise and waking her up at 9 this morning.
  16. Was there an original shop that was just called Mike's Fish and Chips and then they found fame and expanded? If no one can answer this they are obviously undeserving of the name.
  17. What sort of a man leaves his desk? No good.
  18. The British one is only behind The Simpsons for me in terms of all time favourite comedies. Every single moment is perfect. Gervais can be as much of an annoying twat as he wants, I'll always like him because he was responsible for this. I'll give the US one a go if you watch the UK series.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0sezoBzESk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHoF3a6Q9Wk
  20. I was just scrolling down this page and saw this. I'd forgotten about this post. I have no idea why I decided to hate Heather Small that night. I don't think I really have an opinion on her. I must have been drunker than I thought.
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