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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Probably a better choice than ITV viewers. They once voted for Michelle McManus in a musical contest. And you're right about the cocteu twins.
  2. This is almost on page 2 so time for a bump. This time with a Ke$ha post! Hopefully this is more successful than the Nadia Oh one. I used to assume that K$ was just some rubbish my teenage students might listen to. Then I actually paid attention and listened and most importantly realised that her singles and even her album and EP don't show the whole picture. She has a huge number of tracks and probably most of my favourite songs of hers remain unreleased. perhaps just for the amount of great material she has I'd choose her as my favourite pop artist of the last few years. This is the song which first really got my attention and made me investigate more. If you listen to just one Ke$ha song, make it this one. and a few others if you like My favourite track from her album
  3. Obviously, but my question was regarding the format of the terribleness.
  4. It pleases me when I have the last post in all the recently active threads. Having this seems acceptable though and not as mad and spammy as having the last post in every thread on the first page in general discussion. I felt like a right twat the one time I did that. I also felt hungover. Just the 5 recent ones seems okay though. Although I'd still prefer someone else to come along and say something.
  5. You should be sorry. You should be going out of your way to get involved in New York adventures and be reporting them here. Still, you get pass marks because the accent making girl wet anecdote is one of the best posts ever.
  6. For some reason I read this as hitler girl. Probably for the best that I read it wrong, I doubt the mustache would suit a lady. I'm a little bit of a Halloween grinch, don't really care for it or dressing up in general. Although I do have the 31st October and 1st November off as holidays (4 day weekend ) so I could easily end up at a Halloween party of some sort.
  7. I won prizes the first two times I went to the snafu quiz, first time was for winning it and the second time was a booby prize for second last. The strange thing was my team's scores weren't too different each time. It was just like all the smart arse folk had taken a week off the first time I went. This was a few years ago, no idea if they still do one. Holburn Bar does one on Thursday nights which used to not be too bad.
  8. Combining a wanker feeling with a hangover horn in the workplace would surely be grounds for dismissal....
  9. Is this a list countdown show? or even worse some kind of public vote thingy?
  10. The combination of Matthew Wright's serious face and the amazing caption below seriously cracks me up. And yeah of course I would.
  11. So Amanda Knox has been cleared of the murder of British student Meredith Kercher. She’s entirely innocent. She’s also undeniably fit and loves wild sex. Or did. So if you were a guy who’d met her in a bar and she invited you back to hers, would you go? I’m being quite serious. Or would something in your brain make you think twice? http://www.channel5.com/shows/the-wright-stuff/episodes/episode-187-18
  12. This seems like a good reason to watch the entire show all over again.
  13. Who would have thought the the long wait for the film to get going would actually turn out to be such a good thing? If the film had got made a few years back we wouldn't have got these extra 10 episodes.
  14. I liked it. i don't think it made as much an impression on me as it seems to have on you but still, very good.
  15. I've been watching parks and rec lately. I'm on to season 3 right now. It's good and it has definitely got better as it's gone on but it hasn't hooked me nearly as much as community did. However both still rank way below Curb as best current comedy.
  16. Hold on a second the song did end after 3mins or so. The youtube video just had pointless silence at the end. An apology to Nef C. Youtube is the only one doing any fooling.
  17. It's not 3 minutes, it's 5 minutes and 32 seconds! I've been fooled.
  18. With the final episode there were parts I liked and parts I didn't. The question being Doctor who? is painfully obvious and really cringy but I was happy enough with the resolution to the primary issue of the doctor being killed in the first episode. Still not as good as last years finale which I liked a lot. The Minotaur episode was really good for the first 20 minutes or so I thought but then kind of unraveled. As I said I like Matt Smith's doctor a lot and I like the characters of Amy and Rory more than previous companions and that's probably what I've enjoyed this series more so than the stories themselves at times.
  19. The worst thing would be if it came back shit but for some reason I'm pretty confident they'll get it right.
  20. So if you are a fan of the show you're probably aware that a movie has been rumoured/ planned since the show ended a few years ago. Well now it seems that not only is the movie happening but it will be preceded by a 9/10 episode 4th season!! Apparently Mitch Hurwitz and the whole cast are at a press conference at New Yorker fest right now and these tweets have come out from there. http://twitter.com/#!/NewYorker/status/120599846745931777 http://twitter.com/#!/EvaWiseman/status/120601079577714688 http://twitter.com/#!/iamseams/status/120598665747374080 Fucking fantastic news. edit - add this to the excitement http://twitter.com/#!/arnettwill/status/120620083923001344
  21. It's the sort of show that really works with binge viewing too. When you're going through so many episodes it doesn't bother you so much when one doesn't have as many lol moments. I assume you loved the Mafia chicken and paintball episodes.
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