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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. *insert name of the creator of the first pub quiz* would be turning in his grave.
  2. Awesome. What is also ace-ic is that while sitting out having a beer with some friends an Argentinian 'journalist' came up to us, told us he was against dictatorships and fascism and proceeded to perform a little comedy routine with the aim of selling us sanitary pads which tell the story of the assassination by ETA of Juan Carrero Blanco (Franco's intended successor). He was hilarious and amazing. So if I do ever have a shock first period I am now well prepared. Also these sales will help with his next venture to head to Rome and sell condoms with the face of the pop on them.
  3. I got through the first 2 seasons so quickly as well. I even managed a second watch of them all not long after. Such an addictive show. And after spending a lot of time watching 45min-1hr episode of serious dramas those 20 min episodes just fly by.
  4. Dude would make a great receptionist.
  5. I'm sure there's still a lot of good stuff to come out this year so I'm not going to look forward to next year yet. Although Ke$ha does have one confirmed for the spring and the Knife are supposed to have a Silent Shout follow up but who knows if that'll actually happen.
  6. Moved this summer. Absolute madness if he really has been made captain. I'm always against new signings as captain.
  7. Probably the only time Phil Jones reminds anyone of Zander Diamond. Hopefully at least for Phil Jones' sake.
  8. pretty sure he's got some sort of hover technology in his shoes.
  9. Sexy Pique has never looked like that! Can we still gloat about Aberdeen winning 4-0? Of course we can. FRIDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL My plan for today was to be hungover and watch all the football possible but I didn't do the hangover right so I think I might leave the house at some point. Now I'll have to decide which games to watch.
  10. and this guy wins the dance contest
  11. Bit hars hto have a go at John for this one. His point was vaild in the conversation at the time.
  12. I've never heard of such a thing. Since I teach late in the afternoon/ evening if I do have a hangover it's at least the tail end of one.
  13. I don't get why you hate Britta so much. No way is she the worst thing about the show.
  14. Pierce was very annoying in the second season. He seems to be back to okay though now. All his comments about the tropical paradise of somalia were great.
  15. It's been up an down. I was very hopeful after the first 2 episodes of something great but the main arc has turned out to be a bad thing. The episodes either side of the mid-series break were pretty awful. The Doctor's wife and The Girl who waited were highlights and most of the other episodes were at least good. Overall probably not quite as good as the previous series but at least it's still had Matt Smith who is consistently brilliant.
  16. They were both annoying in the last episode though.
  17. Shirley is completely pointless at all times. Just annoying. Britta > Annie There!
  18. Teaching a class of young kids while having a hangover is awful. I've only done it once or twice and it wasn't a terrible hangover but still I'll never do it again. Hopefully.
  19. Britta is good. And quite attractive. Shirley is the only bad character.
  20. http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story/_/id/963828/manchester-united%27s-david-de-gea-warned-over-stolen-doughnut?cc=5739 amazing.
  21. Bloody cheeky calling that a years supply.
  22. Once I'm through the hangover I don't feel bad about anything. But the hangover can bring the darkness.
  23. I have walked down it but not made a "stop".
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